
Fauci's NIAID and USAID sent over $40M in US Taxpayer "support" to a scientist in Wuhan working on "bat coronavirus emergence" research. (Verified).

That scientist is (reportedly) patient zero for Covid. (High level of accuracy in reporting)

The completion of that scientist's research was 2019. (Verified)

Fauci's sweeping pre-emptive pardon goes back to 2014 (weird). (Verified)

The project started in 2014. (Verified)

Anyway, do what you will with that collection of facts.
Find anyone who signed off on this shit AND didn't receive a pardon so they can be arrested?
I believe that to be a fool's errand... with the notable exception of Dr. Gary Goldblum. Fauci's second, ran ground zero in Washington state. No pardon there. The beagle experiment was goldblum.
I believe that to be a fool's errand... with the notable exception of Dr. Gary Goldblum. Fauci's second, ran ground zero in Washington state. No pardon there. The beagle experiment was goldblum.
First thing I saw was "Goldblum" and thought we had discovered Fly experiments.

jeff goldblum ear GIF
I believe that to be a fool's errand... with the notable exception of Dr. Gary Goldblum. Fauci's second, ran ground zero in Washington state. No pardon there. The beagle experiment was goldblum.
Hang him by his asshole with an expanding air bladder shoved up his rectum. So he doesn't fall off. Fucking dog killer🤬

Trump is doing this deliberately, and it's politically smart. You don't need to fight the vaccine, or the deep state, or whoever- you strip their funding and stop their ability to continue to push their narrative. Without real money and logistical support, you force them to comply.