China bears a lot of the blame for COVID. But China didn't force me to wear useless masks or observe an arbitrary "safe distance" of six feet. China didn't shut down businesses, or close the schools my kids went to, or force me to get an experimental vaccine that not only didn't work (I got the shot, then got COVID anyway) but also is apparently causing all kinds of health issues. They didn't force my neighbors to narc on people who weren't bending the knee to the COVID gods, or to the cops who arrested people for gathering for church while allowing rioters to gather and burn in our biggest cities.
Americans did all that. And those are the people I want held accountable.
Love this take. Act locally, think globally.
Wuhan weaponized and lost control of Covid with the help of gain of function research funded by American tax dollars from NIH and Fauci. We have the emails, it didn't come from a wet market, and a pangolin didn't make out with a turtle. Those are just the facts now.
As for the resultant madness, we need to look no further than our own elected moral betters and large swaths of impressionable Americans for the actions that followed.
I agree. I think if it was planned there are far many more moving parts that would have been leaked (ha! see what I did there?) and we all know that the more people in the know of a conspiracy the harder it is to conceal.
To quote George Carlin with Rand Paul narrating- you don't need a secret meeting for a conspiracy when everyone's interests align. When June comes around, there's no emailer stating "Change your logo to a rainbow"; CEOs and businesses can read the political winds and adjust. Decentralized control isn't just a military axiom.
China hates America, we are in 5th gen war already. They created a virus with American funding/support, to create a Haeglian Dialectic for the American people. America lost it's mind. It was in everyone's best interest to cover up the origins, lie and misinform the American public to protect everyone's interest. That doesn't mean the CDC, WHO, NIH, and the left writ-large were having weekly zoom calls in dark rooms to talk about the plan- you could watch outputs in real time and adjust.
You don't need a conspiracy for that, even though it's plainly apparent now.