Election Predictions

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no one you vote into office will vote for a career limiting move like term limits.
And those in congress who talk about term limits, do so only to pander, because they know it won't pass.

At some point, you'll always have to choose one candidate, whether it was "your guy" or not. Or, you can take your ball and go home.
I voted for McCain and Romney only because I thought they'd be better than the alternative. They certainly are not the candidates I preferred. You bet, its voting against the other team, the team which does not represent my values.
I'd almost bet that the day real "term limit" legislation hits the floor, you'll find term limit supporters lining up to explain their excuses for voting against it. Besides, I'll not be moved from my opinion that "term limits" as a topic of discussion is the single biggest sign that "WE THE PEOPLE" have failed at self-governance.

"Election Day" is the only term-limit legislation that a citizenry ever needs.
The ONLY term-limit legislation that they need.
The only term-limit legislation that they EVER need.

Robert Byrd posted a political career as a federal legislator in both the House and Senate that lasted almost 60 years. He literally got into polyticks by organizing and exploiting his leadership role as a Klansman - and his fucking constituents kept rehiring him year after year after year after year after year after year after year after year
after year
after year
after year
How? How in the fuck do good decent people keep electing such a fucking trash human being?

Term limits? How do term limits really fix a problem that doesn't exist within the office - term limits are a VOTER problem.
...and for OVER 60 years the men and women of West-By-God-Virginia kept this mother fucker clothed and fed on the government's dime. This was a guy that filibustered the Civil Rights Act and was rewarded with another four decades as a Senator.
For shit sake - he was even eulogized by the first black president of the USA (as well as the current white house resident) because it made for good partisan optics.
Barack Obama should be fucking ashamed of himself for speaking on that man's behalf - but there is no shame in partisan politics on EITHER side of the aisle.
What difference, at this point, does it make anyway?

That kind of shit will NOT be fixed by term limits. That kind of shit can only be fixed when aMErickans get serious about being Americans. Term limits aren't the fix for the fucking circus tickets we keep paying for. CITIZENS are the fix for the fucking sideshow we are stuck in.

Just my two cents - I could be wrong.
Tribalism makes for strange bedfellows. Obama ad Byrd. Whoulda thunk it? You hold your nose and rally around the party, not the person.

No, term limits won't fix the problem, but it will certainly help.
When I was a kid a man named Strom Thurmond died and it was this huge ordeal. He spend over 40 years IIRC as a senator and governor for SC. Seemed like a great achievement at the time.

Then they started playing his speeches from decades past and talked about is opposition to de-segregation and integration of public schools.

Thurmond, Byrd. Don't forget these guys are (D)emocrats.
If Trump becomes the nominee then I won't vote. The whole lesser of two evils thing is getting old. Either put up capable leaders or I'm done participating. At that point, we deserve what we get.

If you plan to not vote- consider instead voting for the Libertarian candidate. If the party gets 5% of the popular vote, they get a seat on the debate stage in the following election (they can call out the bullshit on both sides) and they also get an equal tap of the federal funding for the home stretch.

Do I think it will result in a Libertarian President? No.
Do I think it will lead to a sea change in attitude? Also no.
Do I think it will piss of the major parties? Yes
Do I think it will force them to address issues that aren't driven purely by identity politics? Also yes.

In a way your voice being heard for a third party is stronger than a voice going silent. Food for thought.
Oh dear God... President Biden had a hard fall on the stage of the U.S. Air Force Academy's commencement.

Biden tumbles during Air Force commencement ceremony

Who puts a sandbag on a stage knowing that Biden is going to be up there shaking hands, walking around etc.??

You can't see in the footage but there definitely was a sandbag up there weighing down some cables. A fall like that on almost any surface at his age is a dangerous thing.

Holy shit...
This is bipartisan. Its embarrassing for the country. I'm a huge fan of Reagan, but when he gave that speech and repeated a joke, I knew it was time for him to go. Biden does not project strength and vitality.
I wouldn't mind seeing Kamala as president if he were to step down. After all, she wouldn't have been voted as VP if she wasn't capable. I think her constituents were onto something and I wholeheartedly believe they should be heard.
I wouldn't mind seeing Kamala as president if he were to step down. After all, she wouldn't have been voted as VP if she wasn't capable. I think her constituents were onto something and I wholeheartedly believe they should be heard.
I don’t use the word terrifying very often, but the thought of her in charge is terrifying.
Seeing President Biden fall like that makes me cringe. My father falls, frequently.

As a medic, I've seen elderly fall like that, head strike on blood thinners=trauma eval with potential of brain bleed. Broken hip, you're not walking again/leaving rehab.

That said, I can't stand the guy but this not the way he needs to go out, bad karma.

Frankly, I don't trust any of these fuckers, not the lot of them. All promises, all pandering, noting delivered.
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