Election Predictions

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I've said this elsewhere on the interwebz, but the fact remains, I will cast my vote for the resurrected ghost of Aileen Wuornos if she campaigns as a republican.

It just seems natural to follow the same voting policy that my ideological opponents use. Did 81 million votes REALLY tally up on the Lesko Brandon side of the scoreboard because he was objectively positioned as a net positive for our nation?

Or did a bunch of votes get counted because the "establishment" was willing to put ANYONE other than Trump back in the White House.
2020 proved that "voting for a letter" is clearly a winning strategy. The 2020 election was a Sesame Street Campaign - brought to us by the letter "D" and the number "81"

Futility - I get it.
I also wipe my ass when I shit. I know it's futile - I'm just going to shit again so why bother - but I still play along with the game of buying shit tickets just so I can flush those mother fuckers down the toilet.
Over time, it really is a fucking waste of money - and some would even say wasting all that paper is bad for the environment.

Its the game I play though. Maybe the turd is solid. It's firm, it's well formed, it doesn't cause any stress, and it doesn't even really leave any marks on the paper.
...and it flushes right down without issue when its time to go.
Hell, I could probably skip the paper and get on with my day without much hassle.

Then there are those days when things just don't work out. Too much hot sauce on the breakfast burrito; then there's that "retirement-lunch" at the Thai restaurant for an old friend; then I end the day with pepperoni pizza for dinner...
...toss in a couple beers and suddenly, I've got explosive diarrhea.
...but wait, if I dont wipe my ass after this one, I'm going to ruin my fucking 90 dollar pair of khaki Ridge Pants from 5.11 Tactical - PLUS, I'm going to spend the next few hours walking like a god damned penguin until things down there dry out.
Not to mention that the toilet bowl is fucking WRECKED because of all the crap i've been stuffing in my face all day. My wife is pissed off at me because not only did I leave the bathroom looking like a warzone, I've got shit in my drawers, and my credit card is overdrawn because I keep buying these damn 90 dollar khaki pants to replace the ones I keep shitting up.
...and I smell like Desitin Diaper Rash Cream all the time because I'm married to the idea that wiping my ass is futile.

Or I could just hold my fucking nose and vote for the cocksucker that is least likely to make my life any harder than it already it.

My methods may be archaic and crass - but its the only way I can maintain my sanity in such a backwards moving society.
Your mileage may vary, batteries not included, no warranties, expressed or implied.
If by WGH you mean scandalous, full of crap regarding his campaign promises, and disingenuous, you bet. Harding did have a few policies which I like, but by and large I would not put him on my top 10 list of GOP presidents.

How people don't see--can't see--that Biden is a shell of his former self, a puppet, something weird going on in his noodle, dangerous for the country, I cannot comprehend. I largely agree with your assessment.

If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him. Period. If it's DeSantis, I will vote for him. Period. I cannot sit back and watch a continuation of the shit show we have now.

Pre Trump the two most corrupt administrations were supposedly Grant and Harding. For some different reasons. Grant was drunk his entire presidency.
So many people gloss over local elections, especially school board. I think the past few years have given us enough evidence to see how important school board elections are. ALL elections are important.
Couldn't agree more. This is why Desantis is popular and my state is a lot like Florida (except no ocean, beach, seafood, palm trees, and warm winters, and ladies in bikinis) we have an elected governor and government who generally implement and enforce OUR values, providing a shield against a lot of what we consider silliness coming outta DC.
I could've sworn a couple weeks ago he said he wasn't getting back on IG. Odd.
If Trump wants to win, he focuses on Biden. He was the previous nominee, he is the leader of the party. DeSantis is a threat to his ambitions but he is on the same team. However, he has significant pull of the tea party esque side of the party. The folks who have felt ignored by the party and they vote. That isn't to say DeSantis is forgetting about that demographic at all...but we're just in a cesspit because Trump is focused on a 1 meter target. DeSantis is responding, but with class...yet he's spending too much time on Trump because Trump is stealing oxygen. This is not how we win back the White House or the Senate.
I'm tired of hearing about Trump as a candidate. Not for the reasons most are tired hearing about but because I have zero interest in 80 year old Presidents. I think it's stupid. If Republicans want to lose again, nominate Trump. No one really wants either of these old guys running the country.

(Did I post this earlier?:hmm: I feel like I probably did...maybe not exactly but the same general sentiment)
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I'm tired of hearing about Trump as a candidate. Not for the reasons most are tired hearing about but because I have zero interest in 80 year old Presidents. I think it's stupid. If Republicans want to lose again, nominate Trump. No one really wants either of these old guys running the country.

(Did I post this earlier?:hmm: I feel like I probably did...maybe not exactly but the same general sentiment)
Well, in the battle of the old guys, I know which one im picking if I have to choose between the two.
True, but it speaks volumes about this country when the "best" candidates either party can find are guys born before D-Day (Biden) or less than a year after WWII ended (Trump).

That's peak US government?
This also applies to congress. There are some REALLY old folks in high positions, and until recently the Speaker of the House was born just a few months after the Germans invaded Poland.

At least Trump still has energy and wits (subjective, I know) but Biden is out in left field.
This also applies to congress. There are some REALLY old folks in high positions, and until recently the Speaker of the House was born just a few months after the Germans invaded Poland.

At least Trump still has energy and wits (subjective, I know) but Biden is out in left field.

Dean of the Senate - Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is 89. Dean of Democratic Senators - Diane Feinstein (D-California) is 89. Feinstein is actually older but has not been in the Senate as long. Grassley was first elected in 1980...

Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1973...

As @AWP and @amlove21 say. We're not a serious country.

It was awesome that my Grandmother(RIL) was born before the US entered WWI and I learned about life during the great depression. But should she have been in office at 89? Well she never ran for office, and I swear she could beat Byron up and down the sidewalk with her wits. She still had hers at 97 unlike that guy.
I may be missing your point, but only about 17% of Americans are age 65 or older.

As @AWP and @amlove21 say. We're not a serious country.

This. They're only there because the people put them there. We consistently complain about term limits and old people running the country, but are totally unwilling to do anything about it because we feel the need to automatically vote agaionst the opposition. We support them no matter how bad they are, just to beat the other team. If we continually vote in trash, then trash is what will run.
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This. They're only there because the people put them there. We consistently complain about term limits and old people running the country, but are totally unwilling to do anything about it because we feel the need to automatically vote agaionst the opposition. We support them no matter how bad they are, just to beat the other team. If we continually vote in trash, then trash is what will run.

We will never have term limits, it doesn't matter if you vote Democrat, Republican, or unicorn party, no one you vote into office will vote for a career limiting move like term limits. I would love term limits, for every office in the country, but ain't going to happen at the federal level.

We absolutely can vote for younger blood, but won't for the reasons you and others have mentioned.
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