Election Predictions

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They got nothin. It’s almost embarrassing that any attorney could put this forward and not realize he’s going to be laughed out of any courtroom.

Any courtroom, that is, that isn’t poisoned by bribes and corruption…because that’s the only place this circus goes to trial.
Americans better brace themselves to see '45' behind bars - even if its only a 30 day hitch for stepping on a crack.
Because, 'break your mothers back' - and all that jazz

Grand juries and indictments like this aren't done just so they can televise the 'perp walk' - they are done to send a message.
Besides, does any one really think that once the carefully picked jury has been stacked - and the totally nonbiased and apolitical judge has returned his verdict - that Merrick Garland (or anyone else in the current administration for that matter) is going to intervene?

I wouldn't even expect a pardon when the POTUS for life leaves office in 2032

Grand Juries indict ham sandwiches...or rather if you can't get the grand jury to indict a ham sandwich you are really bad. Their burden is less than a jury. They're not empaneled in the same way a jury is where both the state and the defense removes ones they think are impartial etc. But yet this whole shit show was done to further turn us into a banana republic. The NY DA would rather grand stand for Tammany Hall than fight crime. You get what you vote for NYers!
For you TL;DR folks.

The Steele dossier was a complete fabrication, and the Trump/Russia collusion hoax was a political hit job, predicated on absolutely zero facts, and the plan to vilify Trump using the FBI affected the 2020 election originated with and was approved by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the dem-leaning DC swamp.

Even shorter- Trump was right. About every single thing. They spied on him, a sitting president, and used government agencies to create a false narrative to steal the election.

This is the single biggest story of corruption- the ‘deep state’- in America’s history. It’s not even close.
but - he was mean to people on Twitter and he acts like a college kid so its all ok
nothing to see here - move along
For years "crazy" people would talk about a shadow gov't or deep state or whatever and I'll be honest, I laughed at the crazy.

It isn't crazy and I stopped laughing.

Right now the Left doesn't see it because it works to their advantage and when the Right is in office it is "Fascism" or whatever when it works against the Left. Call it what you will, but it is out there. Institutions designed to serve the people simply don't. They serve their political masters, slaves working in the field to oppress their fellow citizens. Damn the Constitution, full steam ahead.
Institutions designed to serve the people simply don't. They serve their political masters, slaves working in the field to oppress their fellow citizens

I subscribe more to the Uniparty theory. I'm pretty sure they play political theatre all day and then laugh at us (all the way to the bank) over a glass of scotch together. Maybe not.
Ha - I've been wearing a tin foil hat since I was in my 20's. None of this surprises me. When I said things in the 90's even my team mates would laugh and tell me I was a conspiracy nut. Now we have the US Military recruiting troops through the use of 'intersectional' EweToob videos and serice endorsed drag queens - even offering to pay for their genital mutilation surgery after they are settled into their new life.

Hell, I've even had people demand that I 'cite my sources' when I opine that the system is manipulated by mega rich folks or that politicians prefer to stir up shit between the voters or when I've offered a blanket opinion that any given party is corrupt at its core. Whenever I mention 'Cloward/Piven" or Overton's window to some people they just roll their eyes like I told just them I believe that Bloody Mary is going to bust out of my bathroom mirror if I say her name too many times - AND THAT JUST ISN'T TRUE - I'll prove it


Look, this is sutpid; besides, you jokers know exactly what I'm talking about. The reason people can predict elections is because they usually get a copy of the bribery receipts before they go on CNN to make those predictions. Don't get me wrong - I really believe that Trump stole the 2016 election. It's why Bill Clintons wife is still so pissed about it - SHE PAID FOR HER VOTES but somehow, Trump got them anyway. Election theft is the ONLY way that DJT could have won an election that the democrats had already rigged. The only reason people that didn't get mad about the 2012 election being tainted is because they hated Mitt Romney. South Park knew the deal though.

South Park knows all - they get it.
JFC, this is the biggest story in the history of America... that isn't a story.

I just can't even put this one into words.

Without trying to get into too much hyperbole, this is the modern version of Jesus ripping the veil in the temple.

We always "knew" that there were very dark underhanded machinations working within the government, we've always joked about it, but we never really saw a lot of proof of it until the past few years, and it's not just one small thing after another small thing, it is many many huge things snowballing at a terrific rate.

What astounds me is the number of people on the left who ignore it because this happens to be their guy in office, but we well know that a Republican could be an office and the same things happening with the same "deep" or "shadow" government.
Without trying to get into too much hyperbole...

What astounds me is the number of people on the left who ignore it because this happens to be their guy in office, but we well know that a Republican could be an office and the same things happening with the same "deep" or "shadow" government.

I love hyper-bowl
If the tables were turned, our major cities would all be aflame with peaceful protests.

but its just Orange man so...

The "stumble" down the stairs wasn't really that bad, but damn... President Biden is not looking too hot in this latest video...

Biden Looking Stiff at 80

When Hitlery almost collapsed during the campaign trail in the 2016 election people were making jokes it was like Weekend at Bernie's. There's no chance Biden is going to debate anybody, or do any type of prolonged open interview this upcoming election. He's wwaaaaayyyy worse off than she was. after that "concussion" or whatever.

If the Republicans have any balls, every attack at will be footage of Biden stumbling and staggering all over the place with audio of him babbling in the background.
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The "stumble" down the stairs wasn't really that bad, but damn... President Biden is not looking to hot in this latest video...

Biden Looking Stiff at 80

When Hitlery almost collapsed during the campaign trail in the 2016 election people were making jokes it was like Weekend at Bernie's. There's no chance Biden is going to debate anybody, or do any type of prolonged open interview this upcoming election. He's wwaaaaayyyy worse off than she was. after that "concussion" or whatever.

If the Republicans have any balls, every attack at will be footage of Biden stumbling and staggering all over the place with audio of him babbling in the background.

I’m obviously a democrat.

I will not vote for Biden in 2024.
Shocked I tell you!!

I don't think I will vote for Trump if it's him and Biden. I know he's ahead in the polls and whatever but NOTHING will get accomplished if he comes back, it will be 4 more years of riots and madness....

I hope the GOP pumps out somebody else.

I would vote for a third party. Two garbage candidates.

I’d like to see Desantis vs Newsome. Two very different styles in two very populous states.
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