Election Predictions

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Regardless of their political or policy views, Biden is just way too old for the position. So, is Trump. Maybe that makes me an ageist, but it starts and ends there for me.

You’re not an ageist, but age is relative. Biden at 80 is showing dangerous lapses. Many people, nowadays are still sharp well into their 90s. But I agree with you. 70 is probably a good cut-off age for the most important job on the planet.

Otherwise I’d run and we’d all be having a shit-hot great time.
You’re not an ageist, but age is relative. Biden at 80 is showing dangerous lapses. Many people, nowadays are still sharp well into their 90s. But I agree with you. 70 is probably a good cut-off age for the most important job on the planet.

Otherwise I’d run and we’d all be having a shit-hot great time.
And I'd vote for you...because I'm just here for the party! :D
You’re not an ageist, but age is relative. Biden at 80 is showing dangerous lapses. Many people, nowadays are still sharp well into their 90s. But I agree with you. 70 is probably a good cut-off age for the most important job on the planet.

Otherwise I’d run and we’d all be having a shit-hot great time.

I'd follow you anywhere just out of sheer curiosity....
Here’s my prediction. DeSantis gets the nomination against the vehement opposition of the Trumpsters. Trump, pissed at the GOP decides on revenge. He runs on a third party ticket, sucks votes away from RDS and Biden is re-elected. Two years into Biden’s 2nd term, the Secret Service finds Biden wandering Pennsylvania Ave in his pajamas with his dick hanging out. They try to cover it up but bystanders have recorded video on their phones and downloaded to the internet. Biden is removed from office, Kamala Harris becomes President, the Russian-Ukraine war spirals into World War III, it goes thermonuclear, most people on the planet die, I become a prophet and leader of the survivors, and get everything I want for free…including this truck and this chick

Here’s my prediction. DeSantis gets the nomination against the vehement opposition of the Trumpsters. Trump, pissed at the GOP decides on revenge. He runs on a third party ticket, sucks votes away from RDS and Biden is re-elected.
I don't think DeSantis gets the nomination over Trump, but if he does most of us "deplorables" will vote for him. He's OK, we just don't want another establishment guy. His congressional record is just that, but we'll see what happens if he actually runs.

I think DeSantis is strong and can win if he changes and clarifies his stance on some of his unpopular views such as Social Security. I don't see anyone winning by standing on cutting, earned and paid for, benefits for a major portion of Americans. Trump is more center and flexible ( populist ) than most Republicans and that's why he can still win votes that DeSantis won't.

It will be an interesting time, for sure, and I won't be too disappointed if DeSantis is our next President.
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Privatizing SS...what could go wrong? Will only work for one demographic, and it ain't most of us.

How would that work in times like these? I put $5200 into an index fund just over 2 years ago, it made it up to $6000 something...right now it's at $5100...
Privatizing SS...what could go wrong? Will only work for one demographic, and it ain't most of us.

Nobody, either party, will win elections running on SS cuts or privatization. Too many old folks, soon to be old folks, and other SS recipients will vote against this. Republicans don't seem to understand the importance of the issue and that many voters depend on this to put food on the table. To most politicians, 1200.00 or so per month income is just chump change.

Pence probably didn't have a chance before but he likely just canceled himself by recently announcing his support for cutting benefits. Paul Ryan fizzled out partly due to his relentless pursuit to accomplish this.

If changes are ever going to be made, they will have to start with taxpayers just entering the workforce. Too many current voters have invested in SS too long. My .02
I don't give a shit about "their" arguments. "They" should let people keep it and save/invest or keep it in the government coffers like they do now. That "they" take MY money and won't let me have any say in how MY money is used pisses me off.
I don't give a shit about "their" arguments. "They" should let people keep it and save/invest or keep it in the government coffers like they do now. That "they" take MY money and won't let me have any say in how MY money is used pisses me off.
At this point, "I've" paid into it for 40 years and it pisses me off that "they" can decide to cut it....or raise the retirement age.
I would agree 100 % if I were just entering the workforce. But at this point, "I've" paid into it for 40 years and it pisses me off that "they" can decide to cut it....or raise the retirement age.

All's I'm saying is even now, you should have a choice in what to do with it. You want to keep it in? Fine. I'm in 32 years, so I get it. But it should be your choice, my choice, not their choice.

Agreed about being pissed that they could cut it, raise the age, do whatever they want, especially without allowing the electorate to have input via a referendum or something.
All's I'm saying is even now, you should have a choice in what to do with it. You want to keep it in? Fine. I'm in 32 years, so I get it. But it should be your choice, my choice, not their choice.

Agreed about being pissed that they could cut it, raise the age, do whatever they want, especially without allowing the electorate to have input via a referendum or something.
I’m going to choose to belief this is a parody, but there is a part of me the feels like I should be Googling, “just to be sure”.

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