Electoral College and Term Limits discussion

There is a way to do it, a way to do it securely and one which protects privacy. You don't need a SSN to vote at the polls, all you need is a name and address. Online you can set up a hard stop if the name and SSN do not match, or any number of factors. I do believe the democrats will complain that it further disenfranchises voters if they don't have access (phone, computer, etc.). I do believe their whole issue of a picture ID for voting (and requiring it to be burdensome) is a false flag, though.

I actually have an entire system including security, accountability, the process to obfuscate who voted for what, etc. on paper. To get to the point where it can be sold to a state for their process would take about $1.3M I haven't been able to find the funding yet, but I may try the GoFundMe thing to do it. Secure mobile voting is doable in a way that is secure and which would completely eliminate voter fraud issues.
I actually have an entire system including security, accountability, the process to obfuscate who voted for what, etc. on paper. To get to the point where it can be sold to a state for their process would take about $1.3M I haven't been able to find the funding yet, but I may try the GoFundMe thing to do it. Secure mobile voting is doable in a way that is secure and which would completely eliminate voter fraud issues.

I am as far from a computer geek as one can get (God love you, we need people like you): I use my computer screen to place my post-its. All that is to say, if I, a total tech-tard with zero imagination, can envision such a system, than it can be done. Brother, if I had seed money to give you, I would.
I actually have an entire system including security, accountability, the process to obfuscate who voted for what, etc. on paper. To get to the point where it can be sold to a state for their process would take about $1.3M I haven't been able to find the funding yet,...

If you ever do successfuly create such a thing, sell it to each state for $83 million.
I am all for term limits....in fact I’ve heard some conversation about term limits for the Supreme Court as well....
Especially for the supreme court. When Ruth Bader-Ginsburg shows up anymore she is either falls asleep. Or as some have speculated, been under the influence of alcohol. Common sense would seem to dictate that a position such as this. Would have a mandated term not for age but, for mental fitness and competency.
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