ex-IDF vet introduction

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Israeli Infantry
Verified Military
Dec 29, 2020
Palm Bay, Florida
Hope everyone is having a fulfilling holiday season.

My name is Joe and I served two and a half years in the IDF as a Negev LMG gunner in point platoon (makhleket hod), point company (POL"CHOD, plugat ha'hod), battalion 932, Nahal Brigade. I'm originally from Texas and Oklahoma but I left at 19 to go volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces. I was deployed to the West Bank, Golan Heights, border with Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. I speak Hebrew and some Arabic.

I am 34 years old and want to enlist in an SF unit within the US Army. I've kept in good shape and my motivation is high. Is this a pipe dream or is there any way I can join an SF unit? I want to kick doors in again with other motivated warfighters.
I am 34 years old and want to enlist in an SF unit within the US Army. I've kept in good shape and my motivation is high. Is this a pipe dream or is there any way I can join an SF unit? I want to kick doors in again with other motivated warfighters.

Welcome and best of success to you!

Just as a friendly FYI, we try to keep intros and welcomes to just that. (Intros and welcomes)

There are ‘a number’ of threads already on the forum regarding your question. Spend a little time on the search function and see if you can tag into one of those before beginning a new thread.
Welcome and best of success to you!

Just as a friendly FYI, we try to keep intros and welcomes to just that. (Intros and welcomes)

There are ‘a number’ of threads already on the forum regarding your question. Spend a little time on the search function and see if you can tag into one of those before beginning a new thread.
Copy that!
Hope everyone is having a fulfilling holiday season.

My name is Joe and I served two and a half years in the IDF as a Negev LMG gunner in point platoon (makhleket hod), point company (POL"CHOD, plugat ha'hod), battalion 932, Nahal Brigade. I'm originally from Texas and Oklahoma but I left at 19 to go volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces. I was deployed to the West Bank, Golan Heights, border with Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. I speak Hebrew and some Arabic.

I am 34 years old and want to enlist in an SF unit within the US Army. I've kept in good shape and my motivation is high. Is this a pipe dream or is there any way I can join an SF unit? I want to kick doors in again with other motivated warfighters.

So you made aliyah? I'd love to hear about that some time. Were you a "lone soldier" or did your whole family emigrate?

Nahal Brigade... known for their green berets? Seems like US SF is a natural next step ;)

Glad to have you on the site.
Welcome. I met some IDF paras at Ft. Bragg when I was there in the 90s, never had the chance to jump with em, very cool dudes. If you have access to the maroon jump boots they wear, I'm a 10W. ;).

Oh, I'll take a negev too....
So you made aliyah? I'd love to hear about that some time. Were you a "lone soldier" or did your whole family emigrate?

Nahal Brigade... known for their green berets? Seems like US SF is a natural next step ;)

Glad to have you on the site.
I indeed made aliyah by myself and was a lone soldier. It was a difficult experience but very rewarding. The whole nation was so grateful, people would literally tell you on the bus and at grocery stores.

Yes, Nahal is famous for the green berets as well as having a lot of Anglo immigrants who are very motivated.
Welcome. I met some IDF paras at Ft. Bragg when I was there in the 90s, never had the chance to jump with em, very cool dudes. If you have access to the maroon jump boots they wear, I'm a 10W. ;).

Oh, I'll take a negev too....
Wow, what were IDF paratroopers doing at Ft. Brag in the 90s? I hardly ever hear about "guest appearances" as I like to call them. Israeli troops operating in foreign countries is extremely hush hush.

In fact I DO have access to the "red shoes", as we call them. I have access to lots of things. }:-) negev not included.
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