First Person Defender - YouTube pistol defense series


Sep 12, 2012
Ever seen any of these videos? Found them over the weekend and I've been binging them.
They are a whole series and I always pick up at least one tip/tactic from every one.

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This video is highly educational and factually incorrect.

I mean how do these guys drink anything out of their cups wearing those helmets?

That bar makes an absolute killing serving atmospheric lagers and IPA's.......
Bend over and I’ll show ya.

You want premium or regular? 8-)

I'm not sure how helpful play gunfight training is for civilians. I suppose it can't hurt. The problem is reactions are different when the bullets are real.

One of the things I learned in gunfights in Vietnam is sucking up your fear. I was able to do it because I got to the point where my desire to fire effective rounds overrode that fear; that is, my desire to kill the people who tormented us with hit and run tactics and rigged explosives outweighed my sense of self-preservation to the point where I could risk exposure to get my rounds on target. I'm not talking about recklessness. But in a gunfight the winner is often the guy who spends more seconds acquiring targets than he does ducking.

It took me a few firefights and a number of my brothers getting hurt to reach this state of mind. I wish I could bottle it. I'd give it to every LEO I met.
This is one of the best things I've ever read. UNODIR, I'm gonna send it to everyone I know.

Everybody deals with fear differently. My Corpsman told me he "suspended" fear long enough to do his job, focused on the task at hand and did his best to shut out the distractions of the firefight while still retaining situational awareness.

Ultimately, you're not going to let your teammates down. That's a huge incentive. A civilian defending his family would have that same incentive. My logic was: the quickest way to stop them from trying to kill you and your teammates is to make your fire so effective they run or die. And you might have to suck it up and take some risks to make sure your rounds are having a punishing impact.
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