Hello again everyone. Post history shows that it's been (as of today) 2 months since I posted my initial introduction on here.
Red Flag 1 replied to my initial thread that I should narrow down my view on which aspect of your career field to look at, so, I began some reading.
I followed this websites advice, and picked up some literature. While reading these books was inspiring and motivating, it also gave me the internal question of why I wanted to pursue this career field. It gave me questions which (upon reading more of this site for the past few months) were mentioned by the veterans and active operators out there. Why. Why did I want this, what makes me think I should enact life-changing decisions and embark on this journey. What does this life offer me, and more importantly, what I can offer this community and the people behind it.
The draw to this job isn't the 'cool guy' attitude. The draw is something I've had quite a hard time articulating actually. It's one of the reasons it's taken me this long to post on this thread. The why to me, is as important (if not more important) than a bullet point list of generic responses for this question. Now, I have no idea if I'm alone in this line of thought, as I've only had the opportunity to meet very few SOF types, and never had a heart to heart conversation with them about their motivations and such things. But, to me, there's this drawing to your line of work. One that pulls on my soul and heart strings. It's a longing. A longing to make a difference. The world today is in interesting times, and we have soldiers deployed all over the world deterring these threats. Paris has been attacked twice, Brussels has been attacked as well. The forces behind these people are evil, and I want to help rid the world of them.
From reading about modern conflicts, and from my own simplistic understanding of how our adversaries work, kinetic action isn't the sole means to get rid of our enemies. The Special Forces job is to work with these populations, and show them that the tyrants standing on them can be overthrown. From taking these oppresed men and freeing them from bondage. Special Forces (from my understanding) wants to help people, and I want to help them as well.
I'm sorry if this is long winded, or you're looking for other information in an introduction post. Any information you gentlemen need I'll be happy to provide.