First Post

I believe I deserve the opportunity to pursue SF because of my passion and dedication to any and every unit I will ever be a part of.

Wow - you "deserve the opportunity to pursue SF"? Did you really say that? Sir, SF deserves the opportunity to knock that friggin chip off your shoulder.
Wow - you "deserve the opportunity to pursue SF"? Did you really say that? Sir, SF deserves the opportunity to knock that friggin chip off your shoulder.

Success is just that and nothing more. Success brings pride, but opens the door to hubris; which can dishonor the pride of success. Success with humility is rare, and brings respect and admiration.
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Hi Everyone,

I am currently deciding between trying to get commission in the Air Force (in hope of someday becoming a STO), or enlisting via an 18X contract. I have my AFOQT scheduled for next week. I spoke to an Army recruiter as well, he told me he would give me an 18X contract whenever I was ready, given that they were available which he said is most of the time. I am currently studying for that test and physically training 6 days a week to get ready for either route. I have a BS in Physics and Mathematics and was a competitive Decathlete in high school and college. I am fluent in Farsi and Kurdish as well as familiar with Turkish and Arabic. Where I was born, a 2 year military service was a requirement for every male, and I still think that doing military service for my adopted country that has given me every opportunity I could possibly want is a must. I would feel my life will be incomplete despite what I end up accomplishing if I don't serve in the military. Now, I am not just looking for a few years, I would like a career in the military but given that I am interested in SF or the STO career path, it is possible (likely from what I have read) that I may get injured and not be able to devote 20 years. But that's fine, I will do what I can, you can't swim without getting wet. What attracts me to SF or STO is the fact that they are helpers and healers as much as they are shooters (SF mostly). I figure with my language skills, my ethnic background, and my travel experience, I will be useful in the mountains/valleys of the middle east. I realize how tough selection is and I may get hurt and medically pushed back or released but again that's just part of the deal and if that happens, I am sure the Army will find me MOS where I will be useful, maybe something with computers. So, my motivation really is just wanting to serve and if worthy, maybe serve with the SF men. When I am prepared, that's a leap I am hoping to make, to give up comfortable corporate job and do something that matters.
Hello Everyone,

I will do my best to keep this to the point and direct. I am a Marine Staff Sergeant voluntarily separating this year. I will have 12 years time in service, and will be selected to E-7. I love the job, and have no complaints. This throws many people off, and many think I'm crazy.
In a nutshell, I am doing this for my niece and nephew who lost their dad in 2009. They don't have a father figure, and my family is great for the void. This decision was made with the best intentions in mind for everyone involved. I have a plan to make this transition reality, that's the first 25m target. Also, I will be pursuing a degree in Biblical Studies, and start the fall semester August 5, 2016.
I know in my heart I still want to pursue the reserve component. I am undecided to what route. The Marine reserves is the logical answer, I would keep my rank, etc. However, 9 hours is a long way to drive for the typical drill weekend. I have reached out to the unit. and know what this entails. I'm not interested, regardless of the promotion. I am not interested in retraining into a new MOS in the Marines. This leaves two National Guard routes I am interested in which are TACP and 20th SFG. The "why" for both is not to be cool, not to feel like I need to prove myself, I am past that point in my career.
John F. Kennedy said, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." I have skillsets, and I say that in a humble way. The question I ask myself is where I can best put these skills to use for the aspect of service. At the end of the day, either is the correct choice, I just need to find the best fit.
Thanks in advance.
Excuse the typo.
I have reached out to the unit, and know what it entails.

I'm a former 11b with the 82nd with one deployment to Afghanistan as a sniper. I separated from the military in early 2015 to attend college with plans to return to the military after I graduated(not necessarily as an officer). I thought with OEF drawing to a close if I was ever going to go to school, that was the time to do it. Over the past year I've become less and less enthused with civilian life and I almost feel guilty for using the GI Bill on a degree I don't plan on using. I loved what I did in the Army and I was pretty decent at it, I would like nothing more than to continue my service in Special Forces. I have spoken to several active and retired group guys and have received a lot of differing, but helpful advice. I'm just hoping to get some guidance from people that are actively involved in the recruitment process.

Thanks very much.- Max

I recently entered the DEP (18x). I am finishing my degree in Ptec currently. Heavily studying petrochemical refining and procurement. I love to workout, and practice self-reliance in nature (field craft). I shoot every week and find I am the most calm under pressure. I want to go to selection to meet myself for the first time and have a chance to work on a team with high level individuals. Like everyone else I've read everything I could find, but a lot of it is outdated or undated, and I would like to get a mentor. I have a child and wife that are both supporting me and I want to be as prepared as possible so that I have the best chance of success.

Ps- I completed basic in the Air Force, but was discharged for psoriasis. Proved not to be psoriasis, and had my RE code changed to allow re-entry

I recently entered the DEP (18x). I am finishing my degree in Ptec currently. Heavily studying petrochemical refining and procurement. I love to workout, and practice self-reliance in nature (field craft). I shoot every week and find I am the most calm under pressure. I want to go to selection to meet myself for the first time and have a chance to work on a team with high level individuals. Like everyone else I've read everything I could find, but a lot of it is outdated or undated, and I would like to get a mentor. I have a child and wife that are both supporting me and I want to be as prepared as possible so that I have the best chance of success.

Ps- I completed basic in the Air Force, but was discharged for psoriasis. Proved not to be psoriasis, and had my RE code changed to allow re-entry

Welcome. Stay around. PM me directly; also PM user Duke, tell him I sent you, he can attest to being successful.

The reason I want to be a MARSOC Marine started back in my sophomore year of high school. I was into fitness, but it was the whole meathead/how much can ya bench scene. My buddy told me that he wanted to join this thing called MARSOC, but I had no idea what it was. Then, my cousin who was in The Marine Corps came to visit me. I later found out he was a MARSOC Marine, funny how that worked out. My buddy and I started training together, but he faded away and didn't stick with it. Now, 3 years later, I leave May 16th on a Recon contract (29 days) and want to prove to myself that I have what it takes to make it. The thing that intrigues me about SF or Recon is the mental and physical challenge. It takes a certain kind of person to make it through to the end. I want to know what I am made of, and I thought this was a pretty good way of finding out.

500m swim- 9:00
3mile run-21:00
130 crunches in 2:00
I am currently an E3 in the Air Force and am working towards passing my PAST to cross train into CCT. Ever since I was young I looked up to my Father for his Air Force service and also to my Grandfather who was First Air Calvary in Vietnam. I went through high school undecided on whether or not I would go into the military or college. So I went with the latter and tried college for a semester, it wasn't for me and that January I went to the recruiters to find out my options. I started with the Army and later moved on from them because I couldn't get a guarantee to go to Airborne after AIT and Basic Training (I had a waiver in for a screw in my right foot) I found out later that they never sent in my paperwork and it sat on a desk for awhile. So I went to the Air Force to follow in my Dad's footsteps, I was 19 and not very educated on the Special Operations side of the Air Force only that they were all around hardcore and could do anything. I decided that I didn't know enough and wasn't comfortable taking that leap, I signed with an Aircraft Maintenance contract for four years.

I want to be a CCT so that I can be at the most direct level of help for America and the guys out there risking there lives to defend it. I'm not happy and don't want to be complacent knowing that I only have a support role for the people out there dying and having to battle everyday of a deployment to keep themselves and their teammates alive, while we only spend four months in a location thousands of miles away from them, in relative comfort. I hope that doesn't come off cocky or arrogant but I want to help I want to be one of the best and be a productive member of a team that is directly risking their lives to save thousands. Two years now after joining and I have matured a lot and had a lot of experiences in the Air Force that have helped me grow as an Airmen and as an adult and I'm ready to try to get to that level and I have a very strong wife who is supporting me and pushes to work harder to get there.

Recently to attain my goal of passing the PAST I was able to meet a swim coach that wanted to help me get my swim times down and have been working with him for two months and have take 2:30 off my original swim time. I try to read as much as I can about ways to improve my running times and how to increase distance. and have recently started a new interval run training to bring my mile time down. I have read a lot about CCT physical standards throughout the pipeline and most if not all the AFI's for those standards and the Retraining AFI's printed out.

I would like a mentor to help me learn how to step into a leader role as I will be a Senior Airmen and I know I will have to step up and push myself harder so that I can be trusted to lead and help other Airmen. A mentor would be helpful too in the fact that there aren't many people on my base that have experience in this topic so I don't often have people to ask advice from.
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Good evening gentlemen,

I am a 1341 Heavy Equipment mechanic, Corporal in the Marine Corps. I have served just over four years. I am still active duty. My journey starts off when I was separating from active service. I was so sure I wanted to get out. I was immature most of my career. I had no initiative or drive. I would just go to work and do my job. One day I got TAD to the range. It was this one time I actually had responsibilities. I was a leader to a small group of Marines. I took charge and felt it great. Plus to play with guns and teach Marines how to shoot their best was fun too!

So, I got cold feet and cancelled my terminal leave and extended. I was going to try to be a combat instructor but, I did not have any boat spaces left in my MOS to re-enlist. I was a little disappointed at first. I was waiting around the shop for word for the next day then, I was told I am going to a MARSOC brief. To be honest I have not thought of MARSOC since I was a motivated PFC! I was Intrigued and I went. I was hooked. Right then and there I asked where do I sign! It was an obvious choice for me. I wanted to chase a dream again. The pursuit of excellence in the mind, body and soul has developed me beyond what I thought I could achieve. I remembered why I joined in the first place too. To serve this country that I love. I want to stay faithful to my Corps and country and give selfless service again. I love to teach, and lead young Marines and influence the old.

My fitness scores and records are as of 20160502
20 pull ups, 120 crunches, 20:35 3mile.
13:30 average per mile rucking lately. I used to average 12-12:30 rucking. Maybe I need more rest.
Have not timed my 300m precisely but it's just under 15 min
Just tried treading water and successfully completed 15 min. I will be treading longer tomorrow on my swim workout.

I have been lurking on this site for a while now. I always use the search function or other sources. I usually find my answer. But I feel a mentor will greatly aid in my development. I feel my scores are average maybe bad. I am using the MARSOC 10 week app and now on week 4. Thank you for time gentlemen. I have gained a vast amount of knowledge through your intelligence and wisdom.
Good afternoon, gents,

I'm currently seeking admittance to Assessment and Selection for SF. I can't give you some existentialist reason I want to become SF. I just want it. I can give supplementary reasons, but the force driving me to do this can't be described.
I have been pushing papers for MARSOC for the past couple of years, and due to one problem or another, nothing has come of it. I did a little research on family history and discovered my grandfather (a Marine linguist) operated with the Green Berets in Vietnam.

I decided to pursue SF in November 2015, and started speaking to the recruiters. At the time I was a Corporal in the USMC Reserves. The conditional release I submitted took 2 months to be returned and when it was, I was told that the career planner put the wrong unit code into the paperwork. At this point (January) I had been promoted to Sergeant, thoroughly messing up my planning and work. The second set of papers was finished last week. My recruiter in the army said that I can't really hope for a rank reduction to get an 18X contract. I was also told my only option to get into the Active side is to sign a contract as a military policeman since that's the MOS I hold in the Reserves.

So far, I see my best option at this point to get into the Active Army and then apply for SF and train till there is an opening for me. I have done about as much research as I can on this, reading up on the Army's current policies regarding prior service enlistment. I have found quite a few answers to questions I had on this forum. I will be speaking to my recruiter on Monday about all options available to me.

That's all I have for now.

Why don't you lat move to 0321? They have active and reserve opportunities.

The reason I want to be a MARSOC Marine started back in my sophomore year of high school. I was into fitness, but it was the whole meathead/how much can ya bench scene. My buddy told me that he wanted to join this thing called MARSOC, but I had no idea what it was. Then, my cousin who was in The Marine Corps came to visit me. I later found out he was a MARSOC Marine, funny how that worked out. My buddy and I started training together, but he faded away and didn't stick with it. Now, 3 years later, I leave May 16th on a Recon contract (29 days) and want to prove to myself that I have what it takes to make it. The thing that intrigues me about SF or Recon is the mental and physical challenge. It takes a certain kind of person to make it through to the end. I want to know what I am made of, and I thought this was a pretty good way of finding out.

500m swim- 9:00
3mile run-21:00
130 crunches in 2:00

Maintain a positive mental attitude and don't quit!
Hello again everyone. Post history shows that it's been (as of today) 2 months since I posted my initial introduction on here.

Red Flag 1 replied to my initial thread that I should narrow down my view on which aspect of your career field to look at, so, I began some reading.

I followed this websites advice, and picked up some literature. While reading these books was inspiring and motivating, it also gave me the internal question of why I wanted to pursue this career field. It gave me questions which (upon reading more of this site for the past few months) were mentioned by the veterans and active operators out there. Why. Why did I want this, what makes me think I should enact life-changing decisions and embark on this journey. What does this life offer me, and more importantly, what I can offer this community and the people behind it.

The draw to this job isn't the 'cool guy' attitude. The draw is something I've had quite a hard time articulating actually. It's one of the reasons it's taken me this long to post on this thread. The why to me, is as important (if not more important) than a bullet point list of generic responses for this question. Now, I have no idea if I'm alone in this line of thought, as I've only had the opportunity to meet very few SOF types, and never had a heart to heart conversation with them about their motivations and such things. But, to me, there's this drawing to your line of work. One that pulls on my soul and heart strings. It's a longing. A longing to make a difference. The world today is in interesting times, and we have soldiers deployed all over the world deterring these threats. Paris has been attacked twice, Brussels has been attacked as well. The forces behind these people are evil, and I want to help rid the world of them.

From reading about modern conflicts, and from my own simplistic understanding of how our adversaries work, kinetic action isn't the sole means to get rid of our enemies. The Special Forces job is to work with these populations, and show them that the tyrants standing on them can be overthrown. From taking these oppresed men and freeing them from bondage. Special Forces (from my understanding) wants to help people, and I want to help them as well.

I'm sorry if this is long winded, or you're looking for other information in an introduction post. Any information you gentlemen need I'll be happy to provide.
Hello again everyone. Post history shows that it's been (as of today) 2 months since I posted my initial introduction on here.

Red Flag 1 replied to my initial thread that I should narrow down my view on which aspect of your career field to look at, so, I began some reading.

I followed this websites advice, and picked up some literature. While reading these books was inspiring and motivating, it also gave me the internal question of why I wanted to pursue this career field. It gave me questions which (upon reading more of this site for the past few months) were mentioned by the veterans and active operators out there. Why. Why did I want this, what makes me think I should enact life-changing decisions and embark on this journey. What does this life offer me, and more importantly, what I can offer this community and the people behind it.

The draw to this job isn't the 'cool guy' attitude. The draw is something I've had quite a hard time articulating actually. It's one of the reasons it's taken me this long to post on this thread. The why to me, is as important (if not more important) than a bullet point list of generic responses for this question. Now, I have no idea if I'm alone in this line of thought, as I've only had the opportunity to meet very few SOF types, and never had a heart to heart conversation with them about their motivations and such things. But, to me, there's this drawing to your line of work. One that pulls on my soul and heart strings. It's a longing. A longing to make a difference. The world today is in interesting times, and we have soldiers deployed all over the world deterring these threats. Paris has been attacked twice, Brussels has been attacked as well. The forces behind these people are evil, and I want to help rid the world of them.

From reading about modern conflicts, and from my own simplistic understanding of how our adversaries work, kinetic action isn't the sole means to get rid of our enemies. The Special Forces job is to work with these populations, and show them that the tyrants standing on them can be overthrown. From taking these oppresed men and freeing them from bondage. Special Forces (from my understanding) wants to help people, and I want to help them as well.

I'm sorry if this is long winded, or you're looking for other information in an introduction post. Any information you gentlemen need I'll be happy to provide.

Thanks for getting back with us, and sharing your thoughts behind your decision to consider the Special Forces Pipeline. Keep us posted on your progress, and best of luck.
Hello all,

I've dreamt of joining the military and especially the SOF community for years. I come from a Navy family (O-6 father and o-5 brother) so naturally, I was drawn towards the SEAL community. I nearly went to ROTC, but for various reasons, ended up enjoying a civilian life at Virginia Tech with hopes of being an officer after graduation. I graduated in 2014 with a degree in Industrial Systems Engineering, and am currently employed as a shipyard engineer. I'm very happily married and we just had our first son. I still feel very strongly about joining the SOF community, but with a wife a child, the decision is more difficult. I decided that active duty special operations is not the best route for me and my family. I was very excited to learn about the 19th and 20th SF groups, and decided to pursue an enlistment with the National Guard. I am currently working with a recruiter for either a REP63 contract or a contract that will allow me to tryout for SFAS once I'm in the NG.

On learning more about SF, I realized that I am very drawn to their mission and motto. I'm definitely a people person and enjoy cultivating relationships. I love that Special Forces soldiers are so skilled in combat, but that so much of what they do is focused on developing and fostering relationships, teaching, and empowering "the oppressed." I have a strong desire to be a part of this community so that I can help to defend those who are defenseless. I want to do my part to protect and serve this country and the freedom that we enjoy here. I'm extremely competitive, thoroughly enjoy working on small teams, consider fitness to be one of my biggest passions, and love learning and pushing myself. It would be an absolute honor to wear the Green Beret and serve next to some of the finest warriors in the world.

I hope I don't sound too cliché with my reasons for wanting to join. I think you can understand when I say that there is another element that fuels the desire that is hard to describe. I want to be a part of something great and I want to "make a difference". Every time the news reports another terrorist attack or a solder KIA, my hair stands on end and I want to do something about it.

Well, that's all for now. My words are sincere; I hope they're not too cheesy for you :) Thank you all for your service, your help, and your support!


Why don't you lat move to 0321? They have active and reserve opportunities.
I've talked to the career planner about that before and he was very noncommittal. It was irritating because after I turned in my 368 to see what I could do with the army, he told me he "knew someone who can fast track packages for 0321." That was after giving him two packages with which he did nothing. The career planner before him did about the same thing when I gave her the papers I had filled out. I had two close friends at the unit that had submitted their re-enlistment papers to the career planner (one to the female, the other to the male) and both of them ended up with expired contracts and no re-enlistments to sign because of the career planner they were working with. Not trying to bitch. It is what it is and I'm not getting any younger.
Hello everyone,
I'm currently 17 about to go into my senior year of high school. I haven't done shit yet in my life, but I've always wanted to serve in the military. To be apart of something greater than myself and to accomplish something that is difficult. Something that not everyone can do.

I first found out about the 75th Ranger Regiment when I was researching online and I was immediately impressed. Everything from Ranger history to the Ranger mission got me hooked. The level of excellence that every Ranger must possess is what I am looking for. I want to be challenged.

I am looking to enlist with an 11x option 40 contract. Like I said in my intro I was basically a couch potato for the last few years, but I realize that I need to start working hard now if I want to be successful in the future. I currently play Baseball and have been working on running, calisthenics, and weight lifting.

I have been reading several Ranger related books and also asvab prep books so that I will be able to get a high score to be eligible for an option 40 contract. I have also sent a request to join the Ranger mentor group on this site.

Thank you for your time and service.
I've talked to the career planner about that before and he was very noncommittal. It was irritating because after I turned in my 368 to see what I could do with the army, he told me he "knew someone who can fast track packages for 0321." That was after giving him two packages with which he did nothing. The career planner before him did about the same thing when I gave her the papers I had filled out. I had two close friends at the unit that had submitted their re-enlistment papers to the career planner (one to the female, the other to the male) and both of them ended up with expired contracts and no re-enlistments to sign because of the career planner they were working with. Not trying to bitch. It is what it is and I'm not getting any younger.

Where are you located? Are you near one of the reserve recon companies? I'm not concerned about your career planner, it is very easy to contact one of the reserve I&I officers or SNCOs and get you over there. I have worked with most of them in the past.
Where are you located? Are you near one of the reserve recon companies? I'm not concerned about your career planner, it is very easy to contact one of the reserve I&I officers or SNCOs and get you over there. I have worked with most of them in the past.

Minnesota with 4 Law Enforcement Bn. I already signed a contract for 18x with the army. I appreciate the support, but I've made my decision. I know there is a recon company in Chicago, and I spoke to a couple Staff about trying to courtesy drill there but it never amounted to anything. Waiting for the past few years has really made me jump at the opportunity with the Army. I'm ready to get into this already and I'm eager to get to SFAS.