Game of Thrones thread -

Tonight is the "Battle of the [NSFW] Bastards"...

I haven't been this nervous since PROM!!!:wall:
They'll probably end the show just before the battle starts after spending 1/3 of the episode on Tommen monologuing his inner turmoil re: mommy vs The High Sparrow. Another 1/3 will be spent on Little Finger moving his army to Sansa.

The remaining time will be split between Sam and Gilly breathing loudly through their mouths at each other and Tyrion regaling Danny with his incredible knock-knock jokes while she stares out at the harbor as her dragons circle overhead (no close-ups of the carnage though....CGI costs money and ain't nobody got time for that). One dragon will die after being hit by a catapult + the rest of the dire wolves will die. Ghost will probably die after being sat on by Wun Wun...or Melisandre will light him on fire. She'll be topless though, so it'll be worth it. Or something.

Man I just really want this show to get good again instead of hitting us with one high note per episode, like it's been doing.
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It was a little over-dramatic...but the fact that Wun Wun was able to take out the gate was a tad hilarious. They showed the dogs eating him, how fitting.

Of course Petyr Baelish comes with a price...but was it higher this time than when he offered it?
That was the slowest, worst epic battle I've seen. Wun Wun at the gate was the highlight. Sansa walking away smiling was a good postscript (have I mentioned she's hot and finally of age?), but that freaking battle... The only thing worse was watching Dany fly around on her dragons like a bad acid trip or something. Oh, let's kill the people murdering our city after we go on flyabout around Slaver's Bay. Let's have the Vale arrive when Team Wild Snow Crow is literally within minutes of total annihilation. Could that battle's ending have been any more trite and played out? Once again Jon Emosnow channels his inner pout without thinking and does something dumb, only to be bailed out over and over and over and....fuck Jon Emo. I'm staring at the flames of a great series and the Lord of Light isn't speaking to me.

Yeah, I'm a hater or whatever, but think back to what it was and compare it to what we have now. It went from "bombs over Baghdad" to BB guns in your backyard. It was such an amazing series and then this season arrived. It peaked the moment Snow gasped back to life.

Davos and the Red Woman showdown could be great...or not.

This season is a major disappointment. The series went from snorting coke off a hooker's ass to eating a vanilla pudding cup in a bus station.

Fuck George R.R. Martin, Pakistan, cancer, pedophiles, the Dallas Cowboys,, Nickelback, and your mom's gag reflex.
Agree that this season isn't that hot, but disagree that the battle wasn't ridiculously good.

The film, the presentation....that stuff was good. Really good. The layout of the battle (that U of Death or whatever and yes I understand the irony of that vs. their Cannae-like original plan), the "Script," and the overused elements detracted from the really good stuff. It was hard to like the cinematography or technical aspects when we're literally watching Jon Snow cheat death over and over and over and over in the nick of time.

ETA, I've attached the clip for those of you who haven't seen the battle.

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As a Father's Day treat, I made myself a spicy Bloody Mary, a fitting concoction for last night's festivities. I would've liked to have seen more close-ups of Ramsay being eaten by his dogs...but we can't have everything.

This season is a major disappointment. The series went from snorting coke off a hooker's ass to eating a vanilla pudding cup in a bus station.

Fuck George R.R. Martin, Pakistan, cancer, pedophiles, the Dallas Cowboys,, Nickelback, and your mom's gag reflex.

Yeah, it was a mediocre and predictable season, but when you're fed Alpo for 8 weeks and suddenly get hamburger in week 9, it's like a fat Kansas City filet mignon. I guess, like Pavlov's dog, through negative conditioning, they've lowered my expectations, so I went to bed with a smirk on my face and Mr & Mrs T's Original Bloody Mary Mix dripping from my canines.
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That was some dumb stuff, Jon like Robb was trained from a very young age to be a skilled commander and he threw everything out the window. Luck isn't what won their battles, but the fact they had solid advisors and were skilled tacticians themselves. I understand the emotional stuff. Harrington's script was great. Some of Turner's lines were horrible, but man, she was the hottest chick in the show last night.
Sansa sticking around to watch the hounds munch on that fuck Ramsey's melon was the moment she stole my heart. lol It was a beautiful thing. I'm just disappointed they didn't drag out that fuckers death longer.

Oh and I want a dragon. I know a few fucks that deserve to be torched.
always wondered why he never had weapon....why not? a spear, mace, large claymore sword.....or tree...would be so helpful.

He could have made a WWE-style body splash and killed 20+. Pick up some bodies and start throwing those at the phalanx, don't stand there and swat at them like gnats. KILL!
you think he would have remembered from the fight with the white walker army..."hey, this works well"


At lest he picked up a shield at the end and bashed some skulls...