Verified Military
Tonight is the "Battle of the [NSFW] Bastards"...
I haven't been this nervous since PROM!!!:wall:
I haven't been this nervous since PROM!!!:wall:
They'll probably end the show just before the battle starts after spending 1/3 of the episode on Tommen monologuing his inner turmoil re: mommy vs The High Sparrow. Another 1/3 will be spent on Little Finger moving his army to Sansa.Tonight is the "Battle of the [NSFW] Bastards"...
I haven't been this nervous since PROM!!!:wall:
Agree that this season isn't that hot, but disagree that the battle wasn't ridiculously good.
This season is a major disappointment. The series went from snorting coke off a hooker's ass to eating a vanilla pudding cup in a bus station.
Fuck George R.R. Martin, Pakistan, cancer, pedophiles, the Dallas Cowboys, hrc22@clintonemail.com, Nickelback, and your mom's gag reflex.
Why the fuck did Wun Wun not carry a tree as a club? Game over...
always wondered why he never had weapon....why not? a spear, mace, large claymore sword.....or tree...would be so helpful.