Game of Thrones thread -

Sorry, this made me think of this:

And yes on D and Yara becoming better friends!!!!:thumbsup:

Also, a few sites are saying no to the rumors of Sansa carrying Ramsey's baby based off what he said right before he became dog food.


See Free, I told you she was saving herself for you....:-"
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I found out why ghost was MIA. Apparently it cost too much and they had to choose between Ghost and the giant. I guess it would be tough to breach a castle with a dire wolf.

Oh and the making of that battle is pretty awesome. It took over 24 days to film that thing.
- Arya to turn up at that Frey wedding as part of that acting troupe she watched in Bravos and start killing cunts. It's either gonna be her or the BWB.

- Davos and Melisandre to have beef over the burning of Shireen.

- Cersei to lose the plot and try burn Kings Landing to the ground... With Tommen's possible death.

- Jon Snow to quickly realise Littlefinger is a weasel.

- Littlefinger to tell Sansa he wants to finger her/become Warden of the North.

- Dany to give another poxy speech and finally fuck off to Westeros.

- Finally see the rest of the Tower of Joy flashback and have J = R + L confirmed.

- Episode ends with either a view of the Nights King and his army heading for the Wall or the Wall finally being brought down.

And if Dorne makes an appearance I'll fucking cry... I hate the Sand Snakes with a passion.