Game of Thrones thread -

Something lost in this RLJ madness is why do we care? Think about it, it doesn't matter. "Free, that is preposterous because now the balance of power in Westeros sh..." (Slap) Shut up.

3 people know or could know about Jon's bloodline. Ned (last time I checked he checked out), Howland Reed (other than his Bran-dragging daughter are any of them left?), and Bran. A dead guy, a missing guy, and a gimp who is related to Jon. Epic fail. Can you imagine Bran sitting up on a podium or market announcing the great news? Here's a legit contender for the throne because he is....Stargaryen or whatever? Yeah....not happening.

If you have a winning lottery ticket but never check the numbers, did you really win the lottery?

@Poccington where are ya' at?

I'd imagine the main purpose for R +L = J is that it means Jon is the Prince Who Was Promised.

As for proving his lineage, if Bran intends to do so... You left out the handmaid who was in the room with Lyanna, assuming that's Wylla who was Jon's wet nurse, well then there's at least 4 people who know. Howland Reed may be a recluse but he's also known across Westeros as being Ned Starks most trusted friend and the only other survivor of the Tower Of Joy, that still carries weight.

As for proving it? I'd imagine Bran will be at Winterfell when Dany and Jon finally cross paths and he will then make the claim to them both. Who's gonna argue with the all knowing Three Eyed Crow? He may also end up interacting with the dragons at some stage which will hint towards his Targaryen lineage, given each dragon is supposed to have a rider but that may be a bit more unlikely as I think the dragons could be in trouble.

I really think it'll come down to Bran using his Three Eyed Crow powers to prove it to Jon and Dany... There's a weirwood in Winterfell, can Bran take people with him when he travels through the trees if they're not natural greenseer's?
The second season had a higher average rating. I liked it, but me liking it doesn't pay the bills. A quick google search showed it's still up in the air and McConnaughey is negotiating a return. But that says it hasn't started shooting, so it could be going buh bye. However, Ballers:
WOW!!! Just watched it.....:wall:

Arya, holy crap the student has become the teacher...can I get the recipe for that cake?
Cersei....well played with the green shit that killed all those weirdos and most of the city....sorry your son died..not really...he needed to!
Jon MF'n Snow....King of the it too soon to watch Sansa bath?
Lady Marmont has more balls then most men!

Season 7, lets do this....:thumbsup: