For the few. Cracking job.
And 23.3 million people are now wondering what the fuck to do Sunday night at 9.
Something lost in this RLJ madness is why do we care? Think about it, it doesn't matter. "Free, that is preposterous because now the balance of power in Westeros sh..." (Slap) Shut up.
3 people know or could know about Jon's bloodline. Ned (last time I checked he checked out), Howland Reed (other than his Bran-dragging daughter are any of them left?), and Bran. A dead guy, a missing guy, and a gimp who is related to Jon. Epic fail. Can you imagine Bran sitting up on a podium or market announcing the great news? Here's a legit contender for the throne because he is....Stargaryen or whatever? Yeah....not happening.
If you have a winning lottery ticket but never check the numbers, did you really win the lottery?
@Poccington where are ya' at?
True detective is going again?Ballers and True Detective about to begin
Looks like it may be even longer...what the shit is this crap:I bet 9 months from now we will figure out the result of their wondering.