I think Sansa may be pregnant with the Bolton baby...
You may be right. Just before Ramsay became dog chow, he told her, "I'm part of you now."
I think Sansa may be pregnant with the Bolton baby...
I think Sansa may be pregnant with the Bolton baby...
My major prediction after that episode:
- Sansa happily lets Jon lead an expedition to Eastwatch By The Sea to tackle the Night King, after the Brotherhood Without Banners arrive with a warning of the visions they've seen, in the hope he dies and she can take Winterfell. He doesn't die but faces a long fight back to Winterfell with most of the Brotherhood Without Banners meeting a glorious death in battle in the process.
- Littlefinger sees this as his mind games having worked and makes his move on Sansa, which results in her very quickly telling him to boil his head.
- Littlefinger retreats with his men and declares for the Lannisters and cuts Jon Snow and Co. off from the South, leaving the North to face the Night King and his merry men on their own.
- Towards the end of the series, the Night King sends an army of Wights to Eastwatch By The Sea as a deception plan, while he launches an attack on the Wall which brings it down.
- Jon manages to make his way to Dragonstone and begs Dany for dragonglass, with his case helped by the newly arrived Melisandre. Dany gets a whiff of dragon off him, sexual tension follows and she offers him aid.
- They return to the North to do battle, with Jon possibly riding one of the dragons given his Targ lineage and at some stage, one of Danys dragons will be killed and the Night King will bring it back as an undead bastard of a dragon. Season end.
And so the North was lost...
Agreed, but there is only what, like 13 or so episodes left?
Nope, not in this case.
Film - EP = financing or other support (James Cameron as the EP of a small sci-fi film for example).
TV - EP = showrunner. They oftentimes write the shows and give it direction. The showrunner(s) tell the producers what to do.
Then he shows up at the Wall with the news that the Night King is traveling with 2-3 other MAMs in a white Toyota Corolla.
I don't know what kind of crack my wife has been smoking...but based on her GOT predictions, it must be pretty good.
1. One of the soldiers tries to rape Arya that night, thinking she's some crazy chick out in the woods alone who wants to kill the queen. Arya kills him, takes his face, and kills all the others and takes their weapons. (Eh...semi-plausible except for the weapons part.)
2. Arya eventually kills Tyrion.
3. Arya becomes queen. Somehow.:-"
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
I could definitely see Arya killing the Lannister soldiers. I don't know if I buy the rape attempt, just based on how the initial interaction went.
Mind. Effing. Blown.@amlove21 and I were talking about this theory last night, and I found a video that explains it all.
My wife said the same thing about Sam. I think him finding the passage about the dragonglass underneath Dragonstone is just the start. I think Sam is going to find more major intel that has huge implications in the battles to come.
The new original series, which will be written and helmed by the creative duo, is called “Confederate.” The show will depict an alternate timeline in the United States in which the southern states successfully seceded from the Union. The story will follow a wide variety of characters on both sides of “Mason-Dixon Demilitarized Zone” in a world where slavery was never abolished, but grew in the modern age. HBO promises fans will get to follow freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, abolitionists, journalists and executives of slave-holding conglomerates through the events that lead to the show's Third American Civil War.