Well, I finally gave in and downloaded Fallout 4.
See you all next week.
See you all next week.
SsssshhhhhhhhFallout 4 DLC starts dropping in March. Also, the season pass which is currently $29.99 goes up to $49.99 on March 1st. March gives you robot companions, April a fighting area level, and the big one in May is set on an island off of Maine.
I can think of one advantage of having to wait to buy a new laptop. Now I can just drop $60 on a Game of the Year edition (or even less depending on Steam) and get all the DLC with it.Fallout 4 DLC starts dropping in March. Also, the season pass which is currently $29.99 goes up to $49.99 on March 1st. March gives you robot companions, April a fighting area level, and the big one in May is set on an island off of Maine.
I'll give it a shot, if'n you don't mind.If anyone is interested in playing with the DK1, I'd be willing to pass it off to someone after I get the retail version.
It'll be a while before I bother with it, as I never even got much in the way of DLC for FONV.Ssssshhhhhhhh![]()
The internetz is hard...plug and play is easier (well at least more convenient)Fallout 4 on PC: Patch 1.4 just dropped. Console owners (WTF is wrong with you people?) should see it later this week.
The internetz is hard...plug and play is easier (well at least more convenient). Also, isn't the gaming industry trying to develop a plug and play computer system specifically for gaming?
You're talking about the Alienware/Steam Edition. Alienware has been doing gaming systems for at least 15 years (and are now a part of Dell). PC Gamers, including myself have always had issues with the idea of multiplayer games being crossover between PC and Console.
There are a TON of games that would have been great if they had just picked a side, but they chose to walk the fence and ended up dying ugly deaths for it. For example, War Thunder is one of the best combat flight sims in a long time. BUT they chose to walk the line and ended up with something that favors the consoles on the arcade style modes by allowing fly-by-wire (the plane flies to the cursor without any real physics) and forces PC gamers to play realistic, which is very realistic and very difficult. This means that PC gamers get left out of the general melee with a major disadvantage that makes it easier to play with a keyboard than a joystick and only the very hardcore flight gamers play the realistic mode. That leaves a large portion of the population of PC gamers (who actually outspend the console gamers by a margin of 3:1) unable to enjoy the game and moving on to other games rather than put in hundreds of hours of practice to learn how to take off and land without crashing, let alone the intracacies of dogfighting in a plane where the wind can tear your wings off if you bank too hard. Gamers have, as a rule, short attention spans for a game. They want something that they can jump right into and have fun playing, even if they aren't very good at first. They don't want something impossible to survive for several months before they can enjoy it.
Yeah, but it's a commonly known fact that unless you nerf the shit out of controls on PC, someone on a PC will pwn the FUCK out of a console-ist in a heartbeat, repeatedly. That's why the vast majority segregate into console-vs-console and PC-vs-PC, with no crossover.
The other major issue with multi-platform games that extend between "proper gaming consoles" like XB1/PS4 and actual, real, computers is the fact that with consoles, you're operating with a hugely nerfed overall performance factor due to the fact that it is what it is, you can't actually upgrade it, and it never even had even in the upper 50% of capability of current generation PC equipment at the time of production. Which has a disporportionate effect on the quality of gaming FOR PC gamers, specifically because you'll have shit-tastic nerfed control systems, graphics that are mediocre, etc etc etc...
But a Mini Nuke Will clear the whole cave out, not just that oneDude "Terrible Shotgun", or "Riot Shotgun". Also run!
So to put it metaphorically PC=Drag car and Console=Stock Car.