The combat is loads of fun. The jet pack is pretty damn cool, especially when combined with power usage. My only complaints with the combat is that sometimes I'd prefer if the camera didn't get so close to my character and that the auto cover system is crap. The character creator is also crap, but apparently they're working on making it better. The story hasn't blown me away, but I haven't really gotten that far into it. The characters seem cool, but, once again, I didn't get too far and haven't done loads of talking to them. The planets are huge and beautiful, but I'm not sure if BioWare managed to fill them up with quests that actually matter, instead of fetch quests. The dialogue system is far better than the original trilogy's, as it tells you what tone you'll be using when you say stuff. There is some cheesy dialogue, but it's not that big of a deal. The voice actors (barring a couple) are all good, if not great. The biggest complaint I have for actual gameplay would be that there are some buggy walking animations (they're actually pretty hilarious, though) and the facial animations (which aren't hilarious) are just downright weird at times. If the first couple of hours are any indication of how the rest of the game will be, this will definitely be one of my favorites of the year.