Anyone still playing Red Dead 2?
I'm waiting on the PC version. Rockstar hasn't fully committed to that yet, so we'll see what happens.
Anyone still playing Red Dead 2?
Dude! Want to so badly, not sure if I'll have time though. If school ends up going easy I'll look into rezzing my old battlenet account. Would love to hear your take on WoW classic after it drops. Also Tank, DPS, or Heals?Anyone else planning to play WoW Classic?
Nice! I also got started during BC. My buddies growing up were huge WoW addicts and they used to rave about how hard 'Vanilla WoW' was, they were a married couple who devoted all of their free time to WoW. Didn't get really into it until WOTLK and after MOP hit I was kinda done.In regular WoW main is a hunter. Though I also have raid ready prot Pally and holy Priest. All my other classes are for fun, but I keep them max level.
I didn't play until BC, so I'm looking forward to playing classic.
I see I made the right choice to not get into Destiny xD
It is about time they started making games cross platform. I want to slay some console peasants.