General Mattis is our new SECDEF

Fuck'ing aye'!:D


maybe....Congress will need to get him through some hoops first.

Are they up to the challenge? Hope so.
Literally this is everything I could have asked for, a Commander in Chief and a SecDef that will actually have our backs out there and set us up for success. Gives me so much more confidence for the future.
So I don't know much about this guy other than that it seems like he was a pretty awesome and well regarded Marine.

So on that note, why do you guys think he will be a great SecDef?
I've met him before, read some of his work, and heard him speak. Setting aside the whole "cult of personality" thing, Mattis is well-spoken, clear-thinking, and highly professional. He also knows the very human cost of sending America's men and women into harm's way. Assuming he gets confirmed, I think he'll be a great SECDEF.
I've met him before, read some of his work, and heard him speak. Setting aside the whole "cult of personality" thing, Mattis is well-spoken, clear-thinking, and highly professional. He also knows the very human cost of sending America's men and women into harm's way. Assuming he gets confirmed, I think he'll be a great SECDEF.

He is also extremely well read, highly educated and has more combat experience than 90% of the General officers in the DOD.
Won't he have to get a waiver? He just retired in 2013....hope it won't be an issue.

"A person may not be appointed as Secretary of Defense within seven years after relief from active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular component of an armed force."
10 U.S. Code § 113 - Secretary of Defense

EDIT: sorry, didn't see at first in the article Teufel put up....was too excited I guess :D
Won't he have to get a waiver? He just retired in 2013....hope it won't be an issue.

"A person may not be appointed as Secretary of Defense within seven years after relief from active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular component of an armed force."
10 U.S. Code § 113 - Secretary of Defense

EDIT: sorry, didn't see at first in the article Teufel put up....was too excited I guess :D

I know that's a rule, but IMO it's completely arbitrary and unnecessary. Why seven years? Why not 2, or 3, or 10? I don't think there's any restriction at all for former GOs who want to run for President. So you can be Commander in Chief right after you hang up the uniform, but not SECDEF? O_o