Get Your Tickets To Hear "The Operator" Speak (or not)

I would not attend. Robert O'Neill is the poster child for what I see as "wrong" with today's military culture.

It burns my ass that he is getting up to $2500/plate with the tagline, "firing the shots that killed Bin Laden." Fine, write your book, but that line just grates on me....

Everything about him just seems slimy -
I believe he is a fantastic story teller and knows how to work a crowd. That said, I would not pay money to him, much like I would never pay money to trader Bradley Manning to hear his story. I think we've discussed ad nauseam what O'Neil did wrong and how he should have went about it. There are rules for a reason and they must be followed.
Up to this point, I have already heard all that he has to say that has any value whatsoever to me. Thus, he really couldn't say much -- of importance -- that he hasn't already put out for public consumption. I would not pay any amount to see him at any particular time.
Would you go to an event like this? Why or why not?

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Serious answer, No.
I would be uncomfortable having signed similar NDA's with the parent command.
Does he clear his speeches with his commands, or did he go "Rouge Warrior"?
I assume this is a fundraiser for a politician, which is another activity I avoid (one exception to this rule).
Finally, I avoid crowds for the most part, just not comfortable if I am surrounded by people.
I wouldn't attend. I would just donate and call it good. It looks like a well-planned event that could raise quite a lot of money. I intentionally don't know much about the public speaking circuit and highly specialized communities - but I do know that a market exists. It seems like it will do well with a fairly specific groups of like-minded attendees. I am not in any of those groups. That is confirmed. I'll go so far as to say, I would not go, even if it was my close, personal friend. I would donate and be done with it. It looks too much like fancy play-things for delicate, wealthy people.
It's another to lie about what you did (shooting UBL)

Did he lie about that? I'm not challenging, just trying to better understand. I thought it has been generally accepted that he was the trigger puller?
I'd attend a The worst band in the history of ever concert before I paid to hear him speak.
Have you been to a Rush concert?

As a general rule, I don't pay to listen to someone tell stories (buying a beer doesn't count).
Did he lie about that? I'm not challenging, just trying to better understand. I thought it has been generally accepted that he was the trigger puller?

I've read or seen different sources say he did it, Bissonette did it, or a third guy who is shunning the spotlight. I've seen "he was dead when we entered his room" to " he was still breathing" and all accounts end with "we stood over the body and fired into it."

I'd love to know what actually happened, but it doesn't matter. A crowning moment in a SOF and national level intel collaboration has so much stink on it that even if we knew the truth, would we trust the info?

UBL's dead and guys can't violate their NDA's fast enough to turn a profit. The whole thing smells, like a rotting carcass.
I wonder if he will talk about what he wore, gun he carried, boots he had, comms, all that. It would be rad to be able to re-create it and wear it on days I feel sorry for myself.

No, I would not go. Monday night at work, the tv show, "secrets of SEAL team 6" was on. I explained to my partner why this dude fucked the pooch dry.
