Get Your Tickets To Hear "The Operator" Speak (or not)

Adding my no. The words sleazy, desperate and dishonorable come to mind, so not interested in whatever he's selling.
This is sadly a thing that isn't just limited to him. All too often we hear about vets with a drinking problem. Rather than finger pointing and laughing we should be offering help.
This is sadly a thing that isn't just limited to him. All too often we hear about vets with a drinking problem. Rather than finger pointing and laughing we should be offering help

I agree. He has brought a lot of it on himself though. But, he is still one of ours.
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This is sadly a thing that isn't just limited to him. All too often we hear about vets with a drinking problem. Rather than finger pointing and laughing we should be offering help.

He abrogated any responsibility I feel for him when he sold us out to make his millions. I'm not offering him anything, ever.
This is sadly a thing that isn't just limited to him. All too often we hear about vets with a drinking problem. Rather than finger pointing and laughing we should be offering help.
Except I have Ranger buddies who didn’t behave half as bad as him and were bumped from flights and not rebooked. This guy acts out, pulls the vet card, and still makes millions hanging out with other D list Fox News celebs.

Also he talked hella shit about the big brothers up at Green so he can eat a dick. Also this isn’t the first time dipshit has done something like this. I recall him getting a DUI as well.
Exactly why I typed the part about having a drinking problem.

I don't think there is a single person on this board, or any where inside DOD, that is condoning his behavior.
My angst wasn’t at you btw. I should have just posted the comment without quoting you. Mea culpa.
If he has a problem, he can use his book and speaking proceeds to pay for rehab. He sold out his brothers, and his community, so fuck him.
Unless the bottle wrote that book for him and then made him market it, sell it, and profit from it then I blame him for what he did then, and everything that came after.
I enjoyed reading his book but no I wouldn't pay to see him. O’Niell seems to be starved for attention. Reflecting back on the 2013 Esquire magazine article. I perceived the article (mostly) as him bitching about not getting retirement benefits which he thought he was entitled to after 17(I think) years of service. The military retirement age is commonly understood. Look at the cover of his book! Come on man, ”The Operator(?)”. Seems like he’s playing into the shit the whole time. It’s even clear in the advertising for the speech.
Allegedly he's gone from being drunk on his own fame to just being... drunk. And kicked off a flight.

From the article:

"...Earlier this month, he responded to President Trump’s proposal to hold a military parade on the streets of Washington, DC...'A military parade is third world bulls–t. We prepare. We deter. We fight. Stop this conversation,' he wrote on Twitter on Feb. 8...."

For someone who thinks military parades are third world bullshit, well...he's kinda been a one-man military parade ever since he pulled the Rob Riggle act.

It's been on my mind that this is not going to end well for him.