Get Your Tickets To Hear "The Operator" Speak (or not)

Did he lie about that? I'm not challenging, just trying to better understand. I thought it has been generally accepted that he was the trigger puller?

I haven't heard or seen anyone but him say he was the trigger puller. It's my understanding that he's been PNG'd from DEV due to his actions, of which falsely claiming to be the trigger puller is one. This is all I know a guy who knows some guys info, but literally no one else backs his side of the story.
Glad I checked in here. I had no idea.. but I'm notatliberty to discuss how I feel about "the Operator," I forgot about NDAs that come with the jobs you guys have.

Had a buddy of mine during a fielding of a tactical radar stick his finger in a handcrank hole that was used to raise a radar on a vehicle, really wasn't his equipment, he didn't read the warning "do not touch." Torqued his finger over reeeeaaaal good when the radar slammed down. I just stood there in awe for a second, told him "you prolly need to get that looked at." Looking the mangled finger. He was clearly in shock said "yeah... that's probably a good idea." The finger got sown on-reattached what ever verbiage you Docs use. It was pretty gnarly tho.

Moral is, dont follow warnings, do something stupid, end up hurting yourself and or others. BravoFoxtrot.
Glad I checked in here. I had no idea.. but I'm notatliberty to discuss how I feel about "the Operator," I forgot about NDAs that come with the jobs you guys have.

Had a buddy of mine during a fielding of a tactical radar stick his finger in a handcrank hole that was used to raise a radar on a vehicle, really wasn't his equipment, he didn't read the warning "do not touch." Torqued his finger over reeeeaaaal good when the radar slammed down. I just stood there in awe for a second, told him "you prolly need to get that looked at." Looking the mangled finger. He was clearly in shock said "yeah... that's probably a good idea." The finger got sown on-reattached what ever verbiage you Docs use. It was pretty gnarly tho.

Moral is, dont follow warnings, do something stupid, end up hurting yourself and or others. BravoFoxtrot.

Trdl: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.