Robert Palmer
Am I mistaken or aren't frangible rounds only supposed to be used on steel? I thought they'd be worse for a penetration issue.
While I agree, I had a LEO friend tell me that isn't as effective as it once was because many thugs don't encounter a shotgun until hitting a house.
She also pointed out that waiting until the front door is kicked in is probably too late in the cycle for loading.
Am I mistaken or aren't frangible rounds only supposed to be used on steel? I thought they'd be worse for a penetration issue.
Am I mistaken or aren't frangible rounds only supposed to be used on steel? I thought they'd be worse for a penetration issue.
Just a personal observation, but if you're going to buy a Glock buy a 9mm. The 17 and 19 are their best guns, with perhaps a slight edge to the 17. I own (as others here do) a G19 that I use for specific purposes.
If you do your part--marksmanship and bullet selection--the 9mm will do the job quite well. Ammo is cheaper in that caliber, which makes it easier to train.
I echo the advice above re: penetration. All defensive handgun calibers will penetrate most home construction materials. Therefore, it behooves you not to miss. And that brings me back to training.
Do not go cheap. I would list some reputable trainers, but that might make me run afoul of the site's rules. As others have said, SMU/SOF/SWAT experienced instructors are out there and are not hard to find.
Make sure you understand your state's laws regarding when you can use force and deadly force to protect yourself.
Fucking A. Back before I got rid of all my guns due to their dangerous nature, I considered my G17 my favorite. IMO, all other polymer frame pistols are copies of the 17. The only downside to the 17 is if you intend to CCW.
Thanks guys. I understand now, and agree with you all, about the round choice. I knew from the start I would need firearms training because the only shooting I've done has been at the range and hunting. I'd still like to know about your preferences when it comes to handguns though. What do you carry or have in your nightstand?
Bird shot (Pheasant load) with a modified skeet choke is nice... even in 20 ga...![]()
I would strongly suggest that in addition to knowing the laws and statutes of your particular state, (As Policemedic stated) and in addition to the training you receive later on down the road, that you also keep some zip ties or handcuffs within your domicile if it should ever come to pass that you need to secure said shit bag while waiting on the meatwagon to arrive. Or you can just keep the subject covered, but it's a good option if needed.
Dead men tell no tales.
Exactly, can't give their side of what happened or sue you.
Ah, but their family can.