Hell and Back - Special Ops Ranger

Good thing I got DVR. Don't wanna miss this but also don't wanna miss falling skies, great show for those that are curious about it. Still, this is gonna be very interesting. Like deathy said combine this with dick couch's book and you got a Rangef packed month! I think someone over at regiment is pushing the recruiting bucks out hard....:P
Good thing I got DVR. Don't wanna miss this but also don't wanna miss falling skies, great show for those that are curious about it. Still, this is gonna be very interesting. Like deathy said combine this with dick couch's book and you got a Rangef packed month! I think someone over at regiment is pushing the recruiting bucks out hard....:p

Speaking of which, imagine my surprise when I saw that Mr. Couch's book showed up in my Amazon cue today! That's right, the book goes on sale today: http://www.amazon.com/Sua-Sponte-Forging-Modern-American/dp/0425247589/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1341330023&sr=8-1&keywords=sua sponte

To be honest, Im kinda surprised that they're putting this into its own one-hour show instead of rolling it into a new season of Surviving the Cut (assuming there is a new season).
I think Regiment has kept quiet for so long, that they are realizing they have an "image" misconception that effects recruiting and accessions. Doing a show like this will probably help that.

And maybe, just maybe, lift the 'curse' of the Ranger Scroll vs. the Ranger Tab thingy.

The moment it's on the net, I'll let you guys know.

To be honest, Im kinda surprised that they're putting this into its own one-hour show instead of rolling it into a new season of Surviving the Cut (assuming there is a new season).

That would be so cool :thumbsup:
Amazon has gotten a lot of my money this month already, just bought the gf a new cell phone case, Iron Sky on blu-ray for me, and now this book lol!
And maybe, just maybe, lift the 'curse' of the Ranger Scroll vs. the Ranger Tab thingy.

The moment it's on the net, I'll let you guys know.

That would be so cool :thumbsup:
Well, I like how it's titled Special Ops Rangers. I guess there's Rangers and then there's Special Ops Rangers.

Apparently 91/114 of these fuckers graduated. That's kind of an uncanny pass rate.
Apparently 91/114 of these fuckers graduated. That's kind of an uncanny pass rate.

Yeah...they dumbed down this class for the cameras, that much is obvious from those numbers. Very dissapointing that they made compromises in the presence of the cameras. My brother was two classes before the filming of this one, and they had a graduation rate of 24%...and that wasn't including all the guys who quit in pre-rasp.