Help please ankle advice?


Clerk for Cool guys
SOF Support
Sep 11, 2008
So I wen't running this evening in preparation for my transfer to a new Unit. But while I was out I rolled my ankle. I know lots of you folks are very experienced in the area of athletic injuries. I want to post the pics to give you an idea of the swelling.

I'm supposed to transfer in January. I can not afford to be off my ankle for more than a week or so.

Any advice? This is my shot and I really dont want to screw it up for something so minor. There's got to be a way to get back on it quick.


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Not a doctor and my advice is worth what you pay for it, but the old "RICE" always worked for my unless it was a serious injury.

R - Rest
I - Ice
C - Compression
E - Exercise (in moderation)

BTW, it looks really nasty, in case you didn't know. :)

You may want to see a medic/doc before you do anything else.
A doctor will give me a note. Then I'll end up on a profile, I can not end up on a profile. It will fuck off my transfer. I've worked a year to get here. There has to be another way. Hopefully it's the rice thingy.
A doctor will give me a note. Then I'll end up on a profile, I can not end up on a profile. It will fuck off my transfer. I've worked a year to get here. There has to be another way. Hopefully it's the rice thingy.

... maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I would hate to set myself up for possible failure this close to getting your shot. If you won't/can't see a doc, at least go the RICE route.
I had a similar drama, I had a visual tracking course that I didn't want to miss, I iced and iced and iced it, 20 minutes in 20 minutes out for hours at a time, taped it up and gave it as much rest as I was able. In the long run I didn't do any pyhsio, I got through the course and kept on keeping on. Then I went over on it again and again and again and ended up having 3 operations including a reconstruction.

Short term the RICE is the best plan, get the swelling down, strap it up and you can keep going on it. But you need to see a physio, get a set of ankle strengthening exercises, get some elastic theraband and do your exercises, do them every day and strengthen and stabilise the joint.
0699 said:
Should he be scared that you, me, and PB are offering medical advice? :uhh:


Well we all know you are lying, your advice would be R.F.C.E





Now we're talking. I knew you folks had the tricks. Wrapped it, and sure as shit I can hobble a bit on it.

I think we're going to be okay :) Hopefully I'll be walking normally in a couple of days and running next week! (It will whether it's ready or not. :))

Thanks guys!

I have one more drill with my current unit, then I drill with the next in Jan. Should be plenty of time.
I am not an ortho. but I have had alot experience with ankle injuries. Please seek an M.D.'s eval. Your ankle has many ligaments and a big tendon. When you invert or evert your ankle (roll outward or inward), you can stretch a ligament resulting in a distal tibia or fibula f/x. That means that the bottom tip of your leg bones can break off causing swelling. Which way did you roll it? Our other brothers on tgis board are right regarding R.I.C.E. and anti-inflammatories. You can get an x-ray to r/o a break. I recieved a break and rupture of 5 ligaments while jumping on Sicily D.Z. in "95", requiring recon. surgery / O.R.I.F. I was out for 9 months. Most likley you just strained or sprained it but it is difficult to distingush between it. See a doc. Good luck.

Go to a friggen doctor. Ive sucked it up too many times and paid for it with shitty ankle stability in the long run.
Hey Dude, have you had the joint x-rayed?? If you have caused a fracture to the lateral malleoli than you continue to train then you will pay for it later,
my advise, get a film done to confirm soft tissue [then you can RICE/ Strap etc etc] or fracture........then you need it fixed otherwise it will go on you next time you need it next in a hurry, and that could be fatal if in the middle of a firefight!

Medic 1
It doesnt look bruised which is a good sign but you need to keep an eye on it. If you can take two steps on it it isnt broken so that takes care of that. I would follow the RICE advice you were given already, but the R is rest which doesnt mean you need to be moving about on it more than necessary.

DO NOT TAPE IT. The purpose of taping is to prevent sprains, not treat them once they have occurred. It is better for it to swell, which is you body's response to injury. In essence the swelling is acting as a quasi splint. Sprains are very nasty (generally because of the number of ligaments that attach the ankle to the foot.) They often require considerable time to heal and given this you need to lay off the running/rucking for a few weeks.

I want to hit on the topic of you seeing a doc at sickcall. DONT BE A CLOWN. If something is causing you enough concern to mention it here you need to see an MD. I dont care what you think you know or how many times you have played out the scenario in your head; you never know until you get there. A transfer isnt worth possible damage to your lower extremity.


It doesnt look bruised which is a good sign. If you can take two steps on it it isnt broken... I would follow the RICE advice you were given. Sprains take some time to heal well. Given this you need to lay off the running for a few weeks.

I want to hit on the topic of you seeing a doc at sickcall. DONT BE A CLOWN. If something is causing you enough concern you need to see an MD. I dont care what you think you know or how many times you have played out the scenario in your head; you never know until you get there. A transfer isnt worth possible damage to your loxer extremity.



There you have it. See a M.D. Crip: When I got broke dick from Sicily, I was able to walk until I really swelled up. I had a distal f/x of the tib/fib with the deltoid, fibular, talo-fibular and @ 2 other ligaments ruptured. What does that mean? Either I was hardcore, stupid or I broke it when I walked (unlikely). Just my 2 cents.

Mmmmm all macho crap aside, truth of it is that if you want to do selection in a few years time and you have allowed a serious joint injury to get mistreated then you will be on the rail platform in the first week!!
Assess it and act sensibly eh???

Medic 1
There you have it. See a M.D. Crip: When I got broke dick from Sicily, I was able to walk until I really swelled up. I had a distal f/x of the tib/fib with the deltoid, fibular, talo-fibular and @ 2 other ligaments ruptured. What does that mean? Either I was hardcore, stupid or I broke it when I walked (unlikely). Just my 2 cents.


That was supposed to read "chances are" it isnt. I edited my post after initially hitting the submit button but looks like it didnt edit it at all. Thats what I get for typing at 1:30 and not looking at the post afterwards...

So to adjust that:

Is there tenderness along the medial or lateral malleoli (bony prominence of the ankle) or is it just generalized tenderness? If the tenderness isnt over the malleoli and you have no relative trouble bearing weight again chances your ankle isnt fractured.

Now, just because it may not be fractured doesnt mean you are out of the woods. Severe sprains can take longer than some fractures to heal.

Like I said before, go see a doc.
That was supposed to read "chances are" it isnt. I edited my post after initially hitting the submit button but looks like it didnt edit it at all. Thats what I get for typing at 1:30 and not looking at the post afterwards...

So to adjust that:

Is there tenderness along the medial or lateral malleoli (bony prominence of the ankle) or is it just generalized tenderness? If the tenderness isnt over the malleoli and you have no relative trouble bearing weight again chances your ankle isnt fractured.

Now, just because it may not be fractured doesnt mean you are out of the woods. Severe sprains can take longer than some fractures to heal.

Like I said before, go see a doc.
It wont take any weight today at all. The tenderness is around the "bulb" of the ankle. While swelling decreased significantly it's still there. The upper portion or top portion of the foot is bruised.

Made an appointment. Fortunately I'm NG so I think the benefit in that is I may be able to get my Top to let me do light duty this month without a doctor slip. He'll just let me hobble about on crutches at the ranges is my guess. (I hope... You reading this Top?) Hopefully I'll be capable of walking in a week or so (pending the Doctors' visit) and I'l be able to "fake the funk" untill my school date.


PB my wife is giving me a pedicure just so I can be pretty for you. :P