Help please ankle advice?

It wont take any weight today at all. The tenderness is around the "bulb" of the ankle. While swelling decreased significantly it's still there. The upper portion or top portion of the foot is bruised.

Glad you made an appointment too see the doc. RICE.

Hopefully I'll be capable of walking in a week or so (pending the Doctors' visit) and I'l be able to "fake the funk" untill my school date.

Dont plan on it and dont be faking anything if you plan on walking on it for lengths of time in the future. If you dont take care of your body it wont take care of itself or you when you need it to. Get a diagnosis, follow the rehab plan the doc puts you on, strictly, and dont be a knucklehead.

If you jack it up being "hard" (there is a fine line between hard and stupid and the fake the funk comments puts you in the latter category) dont come looking for sympathy or further guidance on this topic.

Not trying to be an ass here just telling you what you need to be told old school style.... ;)


I have to agree with Crip - I am still having knee problems that could have been avoided (possibly) while I was in the service. Back then, Knees swelled, you got Ibuprofen, 2 days of Icing, and went back at it while still eating Motrin... 5 years ago, the orthopod finally got to my knee after it locked up at the gym and I spent another 6 months walking on it (I fell way over the stupid line on this) I was on the table for 3 1/2 getting my knee scoped by one of the better orthopods in the area...

Get thee to a Doctor, and do what he says. Feet/Ankles/Knees and Hands/Wrists/Shoulders can be fixed easily if caught early and treated properly. If they are ignored, well, you'll pay the price for a long time.
Lucky for me this thread was started.
I just came back from the gym, I started on the treadmill full speed as usual :rolleyes: One shin started to hurt, then one knee stated to hurt (I have chronic problems with both, both mis-diagnosed by Drs many years ago) I was telling myself to keep going... then this thread popped into my head, I slowed down and only ran 1/2 a mile then did some massage on my sore bits and hit the weights, I came back after my work out and hit the treadmill again walking then worked up to a moderate run pace for a mile, no pain whatsoever! ;)
Survey Says!!!!

1st degree Ankle Sprain and probable new osteochondral fracture at the lateral dome of the talus bone.

Thanks again guys.
Dealt with more sprains than I can remember. If you don't have any signs of hemoraging in your swelling (dark blue, purple or greenish streeks) than you very likely have a standard sprain. Treatments depend on how much time you have to be ready. When an injury is still fresh, do your best to lessen the swelling - keep foot elevated, wrap the injury area with ice, use compression ACE bandages, and if you can; stick your foot in a bucket of ice water that comes up past the injury area. Do this for at least 12 minutes every hour for a couple of days.

After 3 or 4 days, simply ice up the area after you try to walk/move the area.

If you have to be able to hobble around sooner than two weeks, let us know and I'll give you the very painfull but effective ways to fast track the healing process.
1st degree Ankle Sprain and probable new osteochondral fracture at the lateral dome of the talus bone.
Thanks again guys.
Sorry, You posted while I was writing my previous reply. Same info still pertains.

HEY PARDUS - I'm assuming you've secured yourself some excellent, custom shaped, soft orthodic inserts for your shoes and boots? If not, the pains you're experiencing may (G-d forbid) be just starting. I can't emphasize enough the need for custom orthodics BEFORE problems become chronic.
HEY PARDUS - I'm assuming you've secured yourself some excellent, custom shaped, soft orthodic inserts for your shoes and boots? If not, the pains you're experiencing may (G-d forbid) be just starting. I can't emphasize enough the need for custom orthodics BEFORE problems become chronic.

I have orthotics, these ones aren't custom fitted, Ive had the same ones custom fitted in the past, the changes to them were so minimal last time I haven't bothered since.

My stuff is chronic, Ive had worthless surguries performed by hack Drs that left me worse than I was before the surgery which BTW Ive since found out was NEVER successful. :rolleyes:
It's just a matter of conditioning for my shins and glucosamine/condriotin/MSM for my knees, along wit orthotics which like I said I use.
Listen to Crip and the Troll.

If you get a profile, it's for a reason - so you can heal! :doh::eek: Don't try to be a tough guy. Do what the people smarter than you and me tell you to do.

Just :2c: from an old paratrooper who can still ski, hike and ride bikes. Listen to the docs. They are gold.
Best way to wrap an ankle. Also if you want some added support: place a strip of tape (athletic tape or 100 mph) from the medial maleolus down and around to 4 in above the lateral maleolus (with tension) before you wrap it. In addition to the RICE might think about some Ranger Candy (Motrin). Please read the precautions before taking. Be aware that soft tissue injuries take about 4-6 weeks to completely heal...longer if you are a smoker. Feel free to message me directly if you have any questions

Good luck!!
Listen to Crip and the Troll.

Just :2c: from an old paratrooper who can still ski, hike and ride bikes. Listen to the docs. They are gold.

Thank God for the Senior Olympics, eh? Seriously, it's good to see you're out and about being an active member of society. How's that Rascal working out? :evil:

Good links DocP.
That was supposed to read "chances are" it isnt. I edited my post after initially hitting the submit button but looks like it didnt edit it at all. Thats what I get for typing at 1:30 and not looking at the post afterwards...

So to adjust that:

Is there tenderness along the medial or lateral malleoli (bony prominence of the ankle) or is it just generalized tenderness? If the tenderness isnt over the malleoli and you have no relative trouble bearing weight again chances your ankle isnt fractured.

Now, just because it may not be fractured doesnt mean you are out of the woods. Severe sprains can take longer than some fractures to heal.

Like I said before, go see a doc.

Not a issue brother. I do all my writing during night work as you can tell by my spelling.
