Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Even if he cannot be compelled to testify against her, if he does testify about anything at all after meeting with the AG it looks extremely bad.
I'm cynical enough to wonder if it was done on purpose to hide something else. A little mini-scandal to focus on instead of something worse.

We can say that's a longshot, but the Clinton's are beyond corrupt.
Wait so are we comparing a current AG meeting with a former president to a lawyer meeting with a juror? I don't feel like that jives at all.

Are we also pretending families don't meet with prosecutors all the time? Like literally all the time.
Victims families, when do the defendants families meet?
Didn't she also say today that she would honor whatever the prosecutor's recommend?

No. She said "...I fully expect to accept their recommendations."

Really no different than "I never sent or received emails marked classified."

There's nothing to see here. Americans need to just accept the transfer of power to the Queen and stop being a bunch of whining sore losers.

Andrea Mitchell Rejects ‘Conspiracy Theories’ About Clinton/Lynch Meeting

If the FBI and AG are powerless against the Clintons, who are we to question them and their actions?
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Are/can spouses be witnesses against their spouse? Honest question here.

There are some hurdles with that. But since the email server was placed in the house, he can be asked specific questions about that, did he utilize the server, agree to the install in his residence....etc.

He just contradicted everything he just stated.

Now he's saying they are recommending "NO CHARGES BE FILED."

The Director of the FBI (Comey) is announcing right now, they are recommending she (Clinton) be prosecuted and turning the case over to the justice department.

Lots of unbelievable crap coming out during this announcement.

I just watched it live and he definitely said they do not recommend charges.
I don't get it.

He cited several dozen violations of handling classified information, and now, no charges are recommended?
That was bizarre. She either broke the damn law (which, obviously she did. It's not her responsibility to safeguard classified information? Hell the F.B.I JUST said it) or she didn't. The government can't have it both ways.

Especially when they just told us she did it on national television. Why announce her clear criminal actions, and the fact that they aren't going to do anything, in the same statement? Just weird.