Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

I don't know if it's just me, but Trumps campaign speeches remind me of footage of Benito Mussolini's speeches. It's like they are both talking down to the audience. It just seems really smug, as if both speakers can't hide their contempt.

I often times find myself thinking of how Trump delivers a speech while discussing Hillary Clinton's email controversy :rolleyes:
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. This was supposed to posted in the election thread. Meant to grab quote and switch tabs. I apologize for my lack of situational awareness. Thanks Florida173:thumbsup:
I don't know if it's just me, but Trumps campaign speeches remind me of footage of Benito Mussolini's speeches. It's like they are both talking down to the audience. It just seems really smug, as if both speakers can't hide their contempt.

That's because he is smug and contemptuous, and like the real Mussolini he envisions rule by Caesarism.

Sua Eccellenza Donnie Trump, Capo del Governo, Duce del acconciatura e Fondatore dell'Impero! :rolleyes:

Ok, this is the last time I insult buffoon Donnie here. He and his Trumpaloompas make this easier every day so its boring at the moment.
There was no need to inject how much business he does with China. He said "X" amount of $$, stop and get on with your run for office. People hate those who boast and brag, that is what Trump does, and it will cost him the election. The GOP will not back him, nothing new there, but he has to stop his pompous self love blathering.
The final report from Trey Gowdy's Benghazi committee (and hopefully the last report ever) was released today
Final Benghazi report details administration failures

Nothing really new. Unlikely to change anything in the campaign narratives.

That's because we really don't know what actions the SECSTATE did before, during, and after.

Hillary Clinton’s email story continues to get harder and harder to believe

I had no idea of the timeline. Seems like a potential CINC would strongly advocate sending at least a show of force.

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As they say... the buck stops here. Based on the information available, there were leadership failures at all levels from the SECSTATE / SECDEF and down. What's even more alarming is that the POTUS wasn't demanding resignations left and right. That kind of apathy is rare.
As they say... the buck stops here. Based on the information available, there were leadership failures at all levels from the SECSTATE / SECDEF and down. What's even more alarming is that the POTUS wasn't demanding resignations left and right. That kind of apathy is rare.

He was too busy fundraising to demand anything...but donor cash. I wonder how much the Clinton Foundation (or its designated cutout) donated?
Didn't she also say today that she would honor whatever the prosecutor's recommend?
Doesn't matter, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the country, she has a responsibility to maintain propriety and the integrity of the investigation (not to mention setting the example). If any other officer, attorney, or court officer had committed a similar breach of etiquette, and found out by the media, they would be in for a world of disciplinary action. Whether by design, or by accident, she has compromised the integrity of the investigation by the mere suggestion of misconduct. A very good attorney will use that meeting to seed doubt in any trial.
Didn't she also say today that she would honor whatever the prosecutor's recommend?

Doesn't matter, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the country, she has a responsibility to maintain propriety and the integrity of the investigation (not to mention setting the example). If any other officer, attorney, or court officer had committed a similar breach of etiquette, and found out by the media, they would be in for a world of disciplinary action. Whether by design, or by accident, she has compromised the integrity of the investigation by the mere suggestion of misconduct. A very good attorney will use that meeting to seed doubt in any trial.

Exactly. For another example, if an attorney was seen shooting the breeze with a juror that's serving on a case that said attorney was trying, the juror would get tossed from the jury, and the attorney would find himself under investigation for jury tampering after costing his client the case. It wouldn't matter if they were discussing the finer points of tapioca pudding. It's the appearance of impropriety that makes it such a serious violation.

Due process still matters for the time being, and impartiality is what makes due process function. Despite efforts to paint this as part of a decades long smear campaign against the Clintons, the evidence indicates that laws were broken. She's the top law enforcement officer in the land, and he's related to the subject of her investigation that just so happens to have gotten him wrapped into it, as well. As such, she should have known better than to hold this meeting, and respectfully declined to see him under such opaque circumstances, his status as former POTUS be damned.
Wait so are we comparing a current AG meeting with a former president to a lawyer meeting with a juror? I don't feel like that jives at all.

Are we also pretending families don't meet with prosecutors all the time? Like literally all the time.
The spouse of a subject of an investigation by law enforcement agency "A" meets privately with THE District Attorney of the office that would have jurisdiction in the prosecution. That never happens, and shouldn't happen here.
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The spouse of a subject of an investigation by law enforcement agency "A" meets with THE District Attorney of the office that would have jurisdiction in the prosecution. That never happens, and shouldn't happen here.


In other words: Conflict Of Interest. Impropriety. Possible undue influence. And several other things I can think of. The AG should have recused herself due to what Kraut stated above. If there wasn't an ongoing investigation, no problem.