Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

How did this get side tracked into obama and racism?

I thought this was about Ms. Clinton's E-mail security
Back on track...just released:

Emails in Clinton Probe Dealt With Planned Drone Strikes

At the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information is a series of emails between American diplomats in Islamabad and their superiors in Washington about whether to challenge specific drone strikes in Pakistan.

The 2011 and 2012 emails were sent via the “low side’’—government slang for a computer system for unclassified matters—as part of a secret arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a Central Intelligence Agency drone strike went ahead, according to congressional and law-enforcement officials briefed on the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe.

Some of the emails were then forwarded by Mrs. Clinton’s aides to her personal email account, which routed them to a server she kept at her home in suburban New York when she was secretary of state, the officials said. Investigators have raised concerns that Mrs. Clinton’s personal server was less secure than State Department systems.
I've never used low side to mean unclass.. What would jwics be? Higher side? Sipr is low jwics is high
BS! It was Hillary! She went to Wall Street and told them to knock it off!

Seriously, how did he do it? One post you say we're a capitalist it's country, where economy is driven by market forces, but now you say Obama led the recovery, implying that we're socialist?

The US economy is still trying to recover from 2008. Our GDP is crap, more people on USG assistance than ever, unemployment is low because underemployment is rampant, and disenfranchised workers have pulled out of the labor force.

Six Years Later, 93% of U.S. Counties Haven’t Recovered From Recession, Study Finds

Oh come on... You can not find a place where I even did anything near implying we are socialist.

If everything that happens in the country is a result of presidential leadership, he led us out. You don't get to sy he is responsible for racism but not for the recovery. It is also pretty hard to not see that we are better off today than in January 2009.
I wonder how much physical space this email system took up in the basement of their home. I can't even say I know what the hardware of an email system looks like. Any one know what they look like?
One single laptop can run a pretty large mail server....:thumbsup:

So it didn't take up very much room. I am guessing that once it was set up and running, it probably didn't require much, if any upkeep or maintanence. I wonder if they took and extra precautions to protect the server. Oh, silly me, they have Secret Service Agents ; no worries about security at the Clinton abode.
So it didn't take up very much room. I am guessing that once it was set up and running, it probably didn't require much, if any upkeep or maintanence. I wonder if they took and extra precautions to protect the server. Oh, silly me, they have Secret Service Agents ; no worries about security at the Clinton abode.

You could have endless physical configurations from a laptop to some enterprise-level beast. Storage, performance, remote access, etc. You could set it up with redundant capabilities and alert the admin if any of them fail. Assuming nothing goes wrong your maintenance is limited to security patches (if at all which is what I suspect) and the odd reboot here and there. Your only other items to worry about are any routers/ switches and a firewall. Both can be "dumbed down" to a standard home router and use Windows' native firewall (or Linux, whatever they ran) and won't require external devices (again, more security but I question if they even thought about this).
Look at who the AG is, and try asking that question again with a straight face.

She thinks she's infallible, and destined for the presidency.
Which is why the investigation will never go forward. Fortunately, IIRC there is no statute of limitations on those crimes. This is the most racist and obstructionist administration in recent history. It is no surprise that someone who stated that they would not "get involved" has had their finger in the pot the entire time. Likely to wrangle out concessions from the Clinton camp.