Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

I spent the Memorial Day weekend in Maryland with some friends. The husband of my wife's BFF is a higher-ranking officer at the Pentagon. He works in cyber whatnot; since a computer, to me, is little more than to chat with friends and a place to put my yellow sticky notes, I understand precisely dick about the unclassified stuff that he does. All I understood was "computer security stuff."

Anywho, he has been "briefed in" with this whole mess and can't say much. As we have surmised, however, should the AG follow the letter of the law, she should be toast. He did say that because of this fallout, he has to deal with all of his service highers in understanding that EVERY email will be printed and cataloged.

Apparently the HRC email mess has far-reaching and significant downstream ramifications.
I spent the Memorial Day weekend in Maryland with some friends. The husband of my wife's BFF is a higher-ranking officer at the Pentagon. He works in cyber whatnot; since a computer, to me, is little more than to chat with friends and a place to put my yellow sticky notes, I understand precisely dick about the unclassified stuff that he does. All I understood was "computer security stuff."

Anywho, he has been "briefed in" with this whole mess and can't say much. As we have surmised, however, should the AG follow the letter of the law, she should be toast. He did say that because of this fallout, he has to deal with all of his service highers in understanding that EVERY email will be printed and cataloged.

Apparently the HRC email mess has far-reaching and significant downstream ramifications.

Briefed in? Maybe at a FIS level.
It is being reported by Fox and CNN (for some odd reason MSNBC is silent...) that her IT guy will plead the 5th in an upcoming deposition. Makes you wonder what happened to his immunity deal, why, and how this impacts the FBI investigation.

Clinton IT staffer intends to take the Fifth in upcoming deposition - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)A former State Department IT specialist who was involved in setting up and maintaining Hillary Clinton's private email server plans to invoke the Fifth Amendment at a deposition next week, refusing to answer "any and all questions that may be put to him."
It is being reported by Fox and CNN (for some odd reason MSNBC is silent...) that her IT guy will plead the 5th in an upcoming deposition. Makes you wonder what happened to his immunity deal, why, and how this impacts the FBI investigation.

Clinton IT staffer intends to take the Fifth in upcoming deposition - CNNPolitics.com
Maybe he figured out immunity did not come with entry into the witness protection program.
He still commits suicide later this year.
It is being reported by Fox and CNN (for some odd reason MSNBC is silent...) that her IT guy will plead the 5th in an upcoming deposition. Makes you wonder what happened to his immunity deal, why, and how this impacts the FBI investigation.

Clinton IT staffer intends to take the Fifth in upcoming deposition - CNNPolitics.com

Apples vs Oranges. FBI investigation is focused on public corruption and mishandling of "state secrets" whereas this deposition is part of the FOIA lawsuit, which doesn't carry any penalty...

except demise of public trust

(Contempt of court if the judge orders X to produce all records related to plantiff's suit and X wipes the server...with a cloth or something because X's too fucking stupid to use a computer and only knows how to use a BB but capable/qualified to have access to nuke codes.)
I've said for awhile the Obama was going to take them out of the Political Game.
President Biden and VP Warren.
I feel like Obama is more of a true believer, whereas Hilary is definitely a political profiteer.

Taken that as a given, Bernie would probably be Obama's pick out of the two.

Does anyone have any idea as to where Crazy Joe stands on anything?
Maybe he figured out immunity did not come with entry into the witness protection program.
He still commits suicide later this year.

Yeah, like Vince Foster. :-"

"The official final Report on the death of Vincent W. Foster consists of two volumes and is 137 pages. The appendix of the report states, 'The publicly available federal government record upon which the Fiske Report is based is replete with evidence that the FBI concealed the true facts surrounding Mr. Foster’s death.'" -- Wikipedia, The Death of Vince Foster
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I would vote for a 3rd grader before I'd vote for Hillary. Seriously, how could ANY registered Democrat vote for her in good faith?


State Department claims processing Clinton records request would take 75 years | Fox News

The State Department has told a federal court that processing a Republican National Committee demand for documents relating to Hillary Clinton and her aides would take as long as 75 years – and would stretch “generations.”

The department made the argument in a bid to fight the request, just one of several legal battles still unfolding over the former secretary of state’s personal email use.

The RNC had sued the department back in March for the records. The party is seeking years’ worth of emails for top Clinton aides including former chief of staff Cheryl Mills, adviser Jacob Sullivan and Bryan Pagliano, an IT specialist who helped set up Clinton’s server and struck an immunity deal with the Justice Department in the ongoing FBI probe.

The Admin. is playing a game. At first the President was staying out of it, then he stepped in, the First Lady stepped in, and today I saw a story on CNN or Fox that the pres. was weighing how he could integrate into the election. State's IG released their report, many emails were released (including one that is a smoking gun), but now it will take "generations" to release more email traffic?

I don't like Trump, but I also don't see how anyone could ignore the many glaring issues with the Clinton campaign. Politics serves the best and sweetest Kool-Aid...
The Admin. is playing a game. At first the President was staying out of it, then he stepped in, the First Lady stepped in, and today I saw a story on CNN or Fox that the pres. was weighing how he could integrate into the election. State's IG released their report, many emails were released (including one that is a smoking gun), but now it will take "generations" to release more email traffic?

I don't like Trump, but I also don't see how anyone could ignore the many glaring issues with the Clinton campaign. Politics serves the best and sweetest Kool-Aid...

The Kool aide, it has been so important these last 8-10 yrs.

In the last two elections, the GOP candidates began playing nice with their Democratic rivals. Two things that I hope can happen this time:
1. Whoever is the candidate after the Convention, give them 100%, total support.
2. Never back down, or back away from the hot issues of the day; a la Bengazhi. Hilary's lack of security understanding, and open bold faced lies. When a photo of Hilary shows up, Brian Williams should be right next to hers.
I don't like Trump, but I also don't see how anyone could ignore the many glaring issues with the Clinton campaign. Politics serves the best and sweetest Kool-Aid...

Agree x10. I too am no Trump-eter however, he's the least corrupt and I believe he wants best for this country.

We've already seen Hillary's insincerity among flag draped coffins and her gasping during NEPTUNE SPEAR but voters want that in the White House regardless?
The Kool aide, it has been so important these last 8-10 yrs.

In the last two elections, the GOP candidates began playing nice with their Democratic rivals. Two things that I hope can happen this time:
1. Whoever is the candidate after the Convention, give them 100%, total support.
2. Never back down, or back away from the hot issues of the day; a la Bengazhi. Hilary's lack of security understanding, and open bold faced lies. When a photo of Hilary shows up, Brian Williams should be right next to hers.

I think Hillary knew, authorized, and even expanded her email from just unclassified to TS. She doesn't care. Even if indicted, Obama will pardon her on 19 Jan.