Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

That is some silly shit "oh its only dozens of FBI agents investigating, not hundreds, so it must not be a big deal" or "they're taking so long so there must be nothing there".

People are freaking stupid.

Stupid and delusional. Many of her supporters honestly think the email affair is either a) no big deal and everyone is over-reacting, or b) manufactured to conspire against her.
Take a deep breath. Find a comfortable, relaxing place to sit down. Put on some calming music.

Now, read this blurb: FBI interviewed Clinton aide Huma Abedin in email probe: report

The FBI has interviewed aides to Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton — including top adviser Huma Abedin — as part of the probe into her private email server, according to CNN.

The FBI is expected to interview Clinton in the coming weeks, though a date has not been set.

Federal investigators have reportedly not found anything showing the former secretary of State willingly broke the law.
Several aides have been interviewed in recent weeks.

Bryan Pagliano, who helped to set up the server, has reportedly given documents and statements to the FBI.

Investigators plan to complete the probe in the next few weeks. Then the information will be turned over to the Justice Department to decide whether to press charges.

Clinton said earlier this week that the FBI hadn't contacted her for an interview as part of its investigation.

And on Wednesday, a hacker claimed he had easily breached the server. Clinton's team called the hacker's claim "unfathomable," and law enforcement officials found no information that the hacker got access to the email server, CNN reported.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement that the FBI interviews show that Clinton should not be president, slamming her for putting the country's national security "at risk."

“These FBI interviews are another reminder of the gross negligence Hillary Clinton displayed as Secretary of State when she set up an off the books email server that exposed classified information on thousands of occasion," Priebus said in a statement.

"This reckless attempt to skirt government transparency laws put our national security at risk, and underscores just how big of a risk a Hillary Clinton presidency truly is."

I mean, this is yet another "breaking news with unsourced quotes" piece, but if it's true then...shit I just don't know.
It's my understanding that willingness means nothing to the act of breaking the law, specifically in this matter. However, it would set standards for premeditated intent, as to the severity of the crime. Example: Killing someone is still a homicide, intent only determines the severity of the criminal charge, murder vs manslaughter, etc.

If she intentionally broke the law, the charges would be more severe, if she broke the unintentionally, she still broke the law. Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense.