Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

I wonder if this move is to put more pressure on Pagliano despite the immunity?

Good point. I would think immunity deals are based upon what you can say and prove, not what you know but don't tell. Pagliano could (we don't know) be dragging his feet or holding out. This guy could turn up the heat and/ or corroborate Pagliano's statements.

One way or the other, we wouldn't fly a guy in from a European prison because we were bored or bluffing. At least I'd hope we weren't that stupid. Of course, we also have Afghanistan....
Folks, I am shocked and with all of you. A grand oversight has occurred within this very thread, and even the moderating staff completely failed to notice it. What am I talking about, exactly? Why, the one year anniversary of this thread passed last month!

Happy birthday thread (and scandal)!
Folks, I am shocked and with all of you. A grand oversight has occurred within this very thread, and even the moderating staff completely failed to notice it. What am I talking about, exactly? Why, the one year anniversary of this thread passed last month!

Happy birthday thread (and scandal)!

What is dead may never die.
Vote for 'Joe' signs are probably already being printed, boxed and strategically placed all over the country.
He can put Crazy Uncle Joe in the WH, get himself nominated/confirmed to the Supreme Court, and take the Clinton's out of politics forever.

Bill has to be asking himself how she never learned anything watching him all these years.
That would be such an insane turn of events, and would fully and completely solidify the corruption running rampant within our government.

I remember making a comment on here several years ago, that the United States government is one of the most corrupt in the world. I was told how dumb I am or whatever, yep...big dummy! :-)
WSJ ain't buying what attorney Obama is selling.

Careless vs intentional.

Was her server set up, which 100% bypassed Dept of State's rules and procedures, an intentional act or was it just careless?

It is careless to walk away from your system without CTRL+ALT+DEL and screen lock.

It is intentional to disable your screen lock setting.

Obama on Hillary’s Email Intent
With all that has been said, in all the media coverage, I don't believe that Mrs. Clintion has any idea at all about what she has really done. The very concept of protecting classified information for the safety and good of our nation is not what she is concerned with. To this day, it is convenience for Mrs. Clinton that is paramount. As long as Mrs Clinton has any responsibility for the security of our Nation's classified information, it will forever be considered less important than her personal business.
Here’s how Obama answered Wallace’s first question:

“And what I also know, because I handle a lot of classified information, is that there are — there’s classified, and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and there’s stuff that is being presented to the president or the secretary of state, that you might not want on the transom, or going out over the wire, but is basically stuff that you could get in open source.

I wonder if he's just talking about SAPs...like some of the shit found on her server...that the LCDR did NOT pass to the CHICOMs?
And what I also know, because I handle a lot of classified information, is that there are — there’s classified, and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and there’s stuff that is being presented to the president or the secretary of state, that you might not want on the transom, or going out over the wire, but is basically stuff that you could get in open source.

I am dumber for having read this bullshit. It will play well with someone who doesn't know any better, but craps all over anyone with experience and an intact frontal lobe. That's a dumb statement by anyone who handles classified material, but by the president? Insulting.

Basically, if it is leaked, let's say to a movie producer or by a guy who has a flash drive of documents pulled from a classified network, then it is automatically downgraded and we should stop harping on the subject?
Basically, if it is leaked, let's say to a movie producer or by a guy who has a flash drive of documents pulled from a classified network, then it is automatically downgraded and we should stop harping on the subject?

Snowden just became the poster boy for phreedumb.
This entire affair should have ended the day they discovered her telling an aide to strip away the classification headers. I fear we're losing ourselves in the details while we forget one key fact.