Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

I wonder when the MSNBC and CNN will start posting stories that discredit him as a knowledgable IT professional...as well as targeting him personally.

"Pagliano wrote bad review of The Snoopy Movie" on Amazon!" Gasp!
Article: Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary's Emails

Interesting read, I'm not sure how true everything in it is, but the Iraqis/Saddam switching to euro's from dollars for oil payment is true. Saddam had also made comments regarding trading in gold currency as well. The same has been stated by Iran, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, China, etc.

Anyway, I'm off to start fact checking the article, if you have a few minutes its worth the read.
Article: Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary's Emails

Interesting read, I'm not sure how true everything in it is, but the Iraqis/Saddam switching to euro's from dollars for oil payment is true. Saddam had also made comments regarding trading in gold currency as well. The same has been stated by Iran, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, China, etc.

Anyway, I'm off to start fact checking the article, if you have a few minutes its worth the read.

Truth matters about as much as Mitt Romney not paying taxes for 10 years.
Truth matters about as much as Mitt Romney not paying taxes for 10 years.

Matters to me...

So apparently we did blow up the Libyan "great man made river" project and the factory that built the pipe needed to repair it. The 140 tons of gold and the "gold dinar" is true. It's pretty hard to fact check the emails, as I'm not going to waste time filing FOIA requests. But based on the little bit of digging on the easy stuff, I would conclude a majority of the article is legit.
The State Department said Wednesday no computer was set up but confirmed there was a space created to accommodate Clinton's personal email use. ‎"There is an area dedicated to supporting the secretary outside but in the immediate vicinity of the secretary's secure office. Secretary Clinton, as with anyone, could use such non-SCIF spaces to check personal devices.," a State Department official said.

Oh what bullshit! You have to leave the building. NO personal device use inside the facility anywhere. Stand alone government computer yes. Personal blackberry? Fuck no.
I saw an Op-Ed that essentially stated "DoS has one view on security and DoD has another view. State can't function with security but Defense needs security. It is no surprise State did this and in fact we should expect this to happen."

I was blown away.
There have been networked computers in SCIF's for a long time. They are linked on secure network. That network was early model of the internet and has been running since the early 80's. Still in existence with... a few upgrades....

DoS 's concept of security is to have a conversation about compartmentalized information in a bar.... but whisper.
So...little confused here. Couldn't she have checked her unclass email on an unclass computer in the SCIF? Or was it the way her private server access was set up?
So...little confused here. Couldn't she have checked her unclass email on an unclass computer in the SCIF? Or was it the way her private server access was set up?

She was clearly afraid of using anything affiliated with a DOS domain. I bet the stand alone in her office wasn't linked to the State network at all. No traces of her acty at all on USG systems.

I'm sure this system was NEVER detected as not being behind their firewall. She thinks the public is just so stupid.
Other news sources reported the extradition (curiously none of the mainstream US news sites did), but Fox has connected the dots. This one should be fun to watch. Why else bring this guy to the US?

Source: No 'coincidence' Romanian hacker Guccifer extradited amid Clinton probe | Fox News

The extradition of Romanian hacker “Guccifer” to the U.S. at a critical point in the FBI’s criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email use is “not a coincidence,” according to an intelligence source close to the case.

One of the notches on Guccifer’s cyber-crime belt was allegedly accessing the email account of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, one of Clinton’s most prolific advice-givers when she was secretary of state. It was through that hack that Clinton's use of a personal account -- clintonemail.com -- first came to light.
Other news sources reported the extradition (curiously none of the mainstream US news sites did), but Fox has connected the dots. This one should be fun to watch. Why else bring this guy to the US?

Source: No 'coincidence' Romanian hacker Guccifer extradited amid Clinton probe | Fox News

The extradition of Romanian hacker “Guccifer” to the U.S. at a critical point in the FBI’s criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email use is “not a coincidence,” according to an intelligence source close to the case.

One of the notches on Guccifer’s cyber-crime belt was allegedly accessing the email account of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, one of Clinton’s most prolific advice-givers when she was secretary of state. It was through that hack that Clinton's use of a personal account -- clintonemail.com -- first came to light.

I have a hard time believing in coincidences, and I think the intelligence source close to the case could see that most rational people can put two and two together and see the links. What I am curious about is, why did they say anything at all? They didn't have to, and really could have made Clinton and Co. sweat bullets about an anonymous "deep throat" source that could underscore the emails. Unless, of course, it was to send a shot across the bow.

This shit is too Alice-in-Wonderlandish for me.
Other news sources reported the extradition (curiously none of the mainstream US news sites did), but Fox has connected the dots. This one should be fun to watch. Why else bring this guy to the US?

Source: No 'coincidence' Romanian hacker Guccifer extradited amid Clinton probe | Fox News

The extradition of Romanian hacker “Guccifer” to the U.S. at a critical point in the FBI’s criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email use is “not a coincidence,” according to an intelligence source close to the case.

One of the notches on Guccifer’s cyber-crime belt was allegedly accessing the email account of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, one of Clinton’s most prolific advice-givers when she was secretary of state. It was through that hack that Clinton's use of a personal account -- clintonemail.com -- first came to light.

I wonder if this move is to put more pressure on Pagliano despite the immunity?