Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Where are the Democrat defenders now? Seriously, she had to be coached to be ready for a question about water standards...from a resident of Flint?

Not really much you can do to defend this. The DNC is going to have to do some serious introspection when choosing their next director. The last two have demonstrated pretty poor judgement.
@Deathy McDeath , it's just getting started.

  1. At any point in the Clinton email investigation, did the FBI request use of a grand jury from the Justice Department? If not, why not? If the Department declined, please describe the circumstances in detail. Who at the Justice Department made that decision and what grounds were given for the denial?

  2. At any point in the Clinton investigation, did the FBI request an application for a search warrant from the Justice Department? If not, why not? If so, what was the Department’s response? If the Department declined, please describe the circumstances in detail. Who at the Justice Department made that decision and what grounds were given for the denial?

https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2016-10-31 CEG to FBI (Clinton Investigation Update).pdf
It's worth noting that a search warrant requires compelling evidence or very strong suspicion based on other facts that a crime has been committed. SCOTUS has denied an investigators ability to apply for a general search based on a hunch.

I have no idea but I do suspect that investigators saw classified information on the laptop during a search for kiddie porn.
Why is Wiener's sexting to a potentially underage female being investigated more stringently (e.g. By the book via grand jury, search warrants, etc) than Clinton's mishandling of classified material?

Does this country value sex more than defense information? My life's work has been a complete sham!:wall:
Why is Wiener's sexting to a potentially underage female being investigated more stringently (e.g. By the book via grand jury, search warrants, etc) than Clinton's mishandling of classified material?

Does this country value sex more than defense information? My life's work has been a complete sham!:wall:
1. He's expendable
2. Would have allowed Huma to play the victim card (had those pesky e-mails not been on the laptop)
Not really much you can do to defend this. The DNC is going to have to do some serious introspection when choosing their next director. The last two have demonstrated pretty poor judgement.

Once, many, many years ago, when I was in southern Cali, some buddies and I went to Tijuana. While there we were in a bar and we got pretty drunk. One of my buddies started a fight with a local. The fight was like something in a movie...very surreal. We escaped-with-our-lives-kind of fight. Afterward, he said "...well, that was suboptimal."

You and he, very much given to understatement.
Anonymously sourced report, written by "Admin" (who writes all of the articles on TruePundit, naturally), with no contact info. Totally legit, just like all of those other clickbait news sites.