Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

It's 2016, so anything is possible: what if Obama orders Lynch to fire Comey (whose tenure is until 2023 unless he's relieved for loss of confidence) in order to save the Union?

Justice officials warned FBI about Comey's decision to update Congress

Edit: if he gets fired, guess who takes over the Bureau until a new Director is confirmed?

While the FBI falls under the DOJ umbrella, DOJ is not the boss of the FBI.

The FBI director is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
It's 2016, so anything is possible: what if Obama orders Lynch to fire Comey (whose tenure is until 2023 unless he's relieved for loss of confidence) in order to save the Union?

Justice officials warned FBI about Comey's decision to update Congress

Edit: if he gets fired, guess who takes over the Bureau until a new Director is confirmed?
The President has to fire him, Loretta can pound sand. It sounds to be like Justice is being political based on that anonymous officials quote.
Maybe this IS bigger than we realize and, while connected to Clinton, not really about her but justice?

Sure smells of politics though.

I think Comey's days at the FBI are numbered. The Dems are starting to scream for his blood. Hillary is probably shopping for hitmen.
I wonder where they got the "650,000 emails" from? I wonder if frustrated agents are leaking info akin to Deep Throat? If they're not to/from Clinton, I doubt they're dupes and would contain the real inner workings and execution orders from HRC.

Whew...this article seems to paint a clear picture of a mutiny at the Bureau and DOJ favoring Clinton despite leads.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe
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I wonder where they got the "650,000 emails" from? I wonder if frustrated agents are leaking info akin to Deep Throat? If they're not to/from Clinton, I doubt they're dupes and would contain the real inner workings and execution orders from HRC.

Whew...this article seems to paint a clear picture of a mutiny at the Bureau and DOJ favoring Clinton despite leads.

FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe
I think that the "650,000" emails thing is probably the total number of emails contained on Weiner's device. This article does a thorough job of explaining the totality of the Clinton email scandal. Skip to number 10 to see information on the most recent developments.

The reporting on this story has been incredibly inconsistent, which is making it really hard to get a handle on exactly what's happening. Part of the fault lies with Comey's letter to Congress - it was really vague and left a lot to interpretation. Part of it lies with congress itself, and more specifically Jason Chaffetz, for shouting to the high heavens that the Clinton email case was "REOPENED!!" when it was never closed in the first place (as @ThunderHorse pointed out). Yet another part lies with the media's breathless coverage of the event, who took Chaffetz's "Reopened" claim at face value and ran with it. Since then, a number of outlets have had to retract or significantly walk back their headlines.

Here's the thing: reportedly, these emails were located in a .pst file (or some other form of backup file) on Weiner's computer. FBI officials don't know what are in those emails, as they needed a warrant to examine them (which was obtained today). They learned of the existence of emails related to Clinton by examining the metadata.

Three likely (and one unlikely) scenarios:
1. The emails are part of the group already turned over to the FBI. The scandal is a big wet fart.
2. The emails are not part of the group turned over to the FBI, but were deemed of a "personal nature" and were deleted. Cooking recipes, Chelsea's wedding, etc. Scandal is still a wet fart.
3. The emails are work-related, were not turned over to the FBI, and may or may not contain classified information. Scandal takes on a new life depending on the severity of the information. It's unclear whether or not the FBI will be able to make a thorough review before election day, so if Clinton wins, there could be impeachment proceedings.
4. The emails contain information exposing the entire network of illuminati, space lizards, and satanic cults that drive world affairs. Somewhere out in Texas, Alex Jones takes a sip of his coffee and smiles.
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I think that the "650,000" emails thing is probably the total number of emails contained on Weiner's device. This article does a thorough job of explaining the totality of the Clinton email scandal. Skip to number 10 to see information on the most recent developments.

The reporting on this story has been incredibly inconsistent, which is making it really hard to get a handle on exactly what's happening. Part of the fault lies with Comey's letter to Congress - it was really vague and left a lot to interpretation. Part of it lies with congress itself, and more specifically Jason Chaffetz, for shouting to the high heavens that the Clinton email case was "REOPENED!!" when it was never closed in the first place (as @ThunderHorse pointed out). Yet another part lies with the media's breathless coverage of the event, who took Chaffetz's "Reopened" claim at face value and ran with it. Since then, a number of outlets have had to retract or significantly walk back their headlines.

Here's the thing: reportedly, these emails were located in a .pst file (or some other form of backup file) on Weiner's computer. FBI officials don't know what are in those emails, as they needed a warrant to examine them (which was obtained today). They learned of the existence of emails related to Clinton by examining the metadata.

Three likely (and one unlikely) scenarios:
1. The emails are part of the group already turned over to the FBI. The scandal is a big wet fart.
2. The emails are not part of the group turned over to the FBI, but were deemed of a "personal nature" and were deleted. Cooking recipes, Chelsea's wedding, etc. Scandal is still a wet fart.
3. The emails are work-related, were not turned over to the FBI, and may or may not contain classified information. Scandal takes on a new life depending on the severity of the information. It's unclear whether or not the FBI will be able to make a thorough review before election day, so if Clinton wins, there could be impeachment proceedings.
4. The emails contain information exposing the entire network of illuminati, space lizards, and satanic cults that drive world affairs. Somewhere out in Texas, Alex Jones takes a sip of his coffee and smiles.
5. Huma goes to jail for lying to the FBI/obstruction of justice.
5. Huma goes to jail for lying to the FBI/obstruction of justice.

That bus is out there, no doubt about that.

I'm not sure Weiner could be hurt anymore than he already is. His idea of damage control seems to have been," just a few more times".
I've set up email for enough senior staff to know that there's always a duplicate and it's usually their secretary or chief of staff. It would not surprise me that Huma Abedin had a complete copy of Hillary's email connected to her account. It was also probably setup using POP3, so when she logged on, everything would be copied to the laptop into a .pst file for access when not connected to the server. She could have just did it once and have no clue happened. And 650,000 is nothing for a position of Sec State, I'm sure they are inundated with email from thousands of sources daily; hence another individual with access to sort out the chaffe.
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For the first time ever, Shelia Jackson Lee does not make me want to throw a K-Bar at the TV while she speaks, she makes me laugh out loud - I've watched this woman do nothing but parrot talking points for years, ask her for an origional thought? Okay you get this:

Dem Rep Jackson Lee Denounces Wikipedia on MSNBC - Breitbart

Jackson Lee said, “You know, I’m going to first of all denounce the utilization of this intrusion by Wikipedia through the Russian intrusion. This is what it’s about. Espionage just like what was said over these last couple of days. We need to be concerned about the intrusion of Russia and Putin in these elections.”

As an added bonus as long as I am on my anti-Jackson Lee kick, here is my all time favorite.
I think that the "650,000" emails thing is probably the total number of emails contained on Weiner's device. This article does a thorough job of explaining the totality of the Clinton email scandal. Skip to number 10 to see information on the most recent developments.

The reporting on this story has been incredibly inconsistent, which is making it really hard to get a handle on exactly what's happening. Part of the fault lies with Comey's letter to Congress - it was really vague and left a lot to interpretation. Part of it lies with congress itself, and more specifically Jason Chaffetz, for shouting to the high heavens that the Clinton email case was "REOPENED!!" when it was never closed in the first place (as @ThunderHorse pointed out). Yet another part lies with the media's breathless coverage of the event, who took Chaffetz's "Reopened" claim at face value and ran with it. Since then, a number of outlets have had to retract or significantly walk back their headlines.

Here's the thing: reportedly, these emails were located in a .pst file (or some other form of backup file) on Weiner's computer. FBI officials don't know what are in those emails, as they needed a warrant to examine them (which was obtained today). They learned of the existence of emails related to Clinton by examining the metadata.

Three likely (and one unlikely) scenarios:
1. The emails are part of the group already turned over to the FBI. The scandal is a big wet fart.
2. The emails are not part of the group turned over to the FBI, but were deemed of a "personal nature" and were deleted. Cooking recipes, Chelsea's wedding, etc. Scandal is still a wet fart.
3. The emails are work-related, were not turned over to the FBI, and may or may not contain classified information. Scandal takes on a new life depending on the severity of the information. It's unclear whether or not the FBI will be able to make a thorough review before election day, so if Clinton wins, there could be impeachment proceedings.
4. The emails contain information exposing the entire network of illuminati, space lizards, and satanic cults that drive world affairs. Somewhere out in Texas, Alex Jones takes a sip of his coffee and smiles.

This has the makings of a Constitutional crisis. All the Obama admin has to do is delay until 20 Jan then poof...she's immune from prosecution for four long years.
One has to assume that Comey--whom even Eric Holder describes as "a man of integrity"-- must've considered the timing and the impact his letter would have. It's created a firestorm of criticism directed at him and his agency along with unbridled and rampant speculation by everybody.

My take from all this is whatever compelled him to create this enormous political and media clusterfuck had better be good. Right now, the media's spinning Hillary as a victim and Comey as some secret GOP sympathizer with ties to Putin.:wall:
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