Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

A buddy of mine is a captain in Army JAG. Had breakfast with him this morning and of course this is all he and his lawyer buddies are talking about. None of them could agree on the "upside" for Comey to do this now -

What they did agree on though, was that Hillary is right to demand "everything" be immediately released, that Comey should resign or be fired, and that assuming Hillary still wins, "duck and cover" come January if I'm "anybody" in that particular organization.
If they were dupes, why reopen the criminal case? I wonder if the emails are evidence of "Congress is on to us, activate emergency destruction measures".
The case wasn't actually reopened. The letter that Comey sent to Congress was really vaguely-worded, and that caused a bunch of journalists to assume that the case was reopened.
The case wasn't actually reopened. The letter that Comey sent to Congress was really vaguely-worded, and that caused a bunch of journalists to assume that the case was reopened.
It wasn't that it was never opened...it was that it was never closed.

Hillary having been a defense attorney on payroll at the Rose Law Firm for 15 years knows that she has no right to demand shit. Her attorney can file a motion of discovery once they slap her in irons following her indictment.
Something--whatever it is-- has to be damning enough to compel Comey to make a public acknowledgement, vague as it is. It must be serious enough for him to realize the implications for himself and the Bureau if he withholds it until after the election.

And if it turns out to be serious--and I think it must be--and he does nothing and Hillary gets elected, then we have the turmoil of a possible criminal prosecution of a President-elect even before she's inaugurated. A fucking hideous mess, in other words and a debacle before the eyes of the world.

(Just a wild stab, but it wouldn't surprise me if it involves her possible interference in the investigation of Wiener at the bequest of his wife, her friend.)
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The case wasn't actually reopened. The letter that Comey sent to Congress was really vaguely-worded, and that caused a bunch of journalists to assume that the case was reopened.

Just before his testimony, the FBI wasn't spending any more time/effort looking at Clinton's handling of classified material. Director Comey said, under oath, to a Congressional oversight committee that the investigation was complete. Potential new evidence pertinent to that case was found that required further review, hence his note to Congress which was an addendum to his sworn testimony. Subsequently the FBI is again looking at a new aspect of the case and Comey felt he was required to update Congress that his testimony had changed. How is this not the epitome of closed and reopened?

The fact that FBI agents, highly trained in the rules, policies, and procedures pertaining to classified material, CLEARLY had reason to believe that the recent emails in question more than likely contained classified material, which required further inspection by the original classification authority, is indicative of Clinton's staff mishandling classified materials. This is EXACTLY why the criminal investigation was started to being with.

Whether the content has been previously reviewed (thereby a "copy"), is immaterial IF the emails contain classified material. Unless their house is a SCIF, which it cannot be because neither currently work for the USG, if the emails contain classified material, they are both in violation of federal law. A private citizen cannot legally possess classified information.

Personally, I think they found classified info on Wiener's device that showed traces of intrusion from FIS. I have no idea if this is the case and is 100% speculation but something of this magnitude would REQUIRE the FBI to act...IMMEDIATELY.

This investigation has never been about Hillary Clinton but the protection our Nation's secrets, some of which had the potential to inflict exceptionally grave damage upon These United States if mishandled. In her case...22 times...that we know of.
Jumping into MORE hypotheticals:

…Clinton [was] using e-mails seemingly like most people use IMs or text messaging. Her holding onto Blackberries (and seven switching back to older models when the software was upgraded) [demonstrates this]. It might even explain at least SOME of the motivation for the e-mail server itself. I’ve seen plenty of cases where a powerful person says basically, “I want my e-mails on this thing” and, regardless of whether it’s a good solution, people respond, “ready-aye-ready.”

So, what could they have found on Weiner’s computers that would have caused such alarm?

I’d think one of two things:

1) Either that Huma signed in her e-mail account at one point and, presumably, it being Exchange or IMAP, dumped the whole account onto the computer and that account has plenty of e-mails between her and Clinton that were deleted.

Or -

2) There’s mention of Huma having a Yahoo account to which she would forward things for printing purposes. This struck me right away because, of course, printers are often difficult to configure as are e-mail accounts. It struck me as strange, yet very believable, that she mentioned that she’d forward stuff to that Yahoo account to print them. I mean, printing in theory should be platform agnostic, but - if you’re technically unsophisticated - you might have serious problems trying to setup an e-mail account or a printer on a device. Thus I imagine a scenario where she has a portable machine that either she can’t (or can’t be, for some reason) configured to use her home printer and a desktop machine (I imagine an slightly-older iMac here) that’s physically connected to the printer that serves as a shared “family computer” or whatever. She either can’t setup the e-mail account on that computer (perhaps it requires a VPN or something like that) or doesn’t want to, so she forwards everything that she wants to print to the Yahoo account that she does have setup on that computer. The FBI takes this computer as part of the Weiner investigation and, bam, they find thousands of e-mail messages - again, evidence of what was destroyed earlier.

Blog: Carlos Danger may have opened Pandora’s Box for Huma and Hillary
What they did agree on though, was that Hillary is right to demand "everything" be immediately released, that Comey should resign or be fired, and that assuming Hillary still wins, "duck and cover" come January if I'm "anybody" in that particular organization.

Uh, what?

An investigator has zero obligation to share neither jack nor shit with the subject of a criminal investigation until the grand jury indicts and a prosecutor says there is a case.

The defense's case isn't even created until after charges are filed.

This is why it was unheard of to have a witness (Mills) sit in with the subject (Clinton) during her...whatever it was called when talked with the FBI.

Let's be clear: there is a BAH contractor currently in pre-trial detention for EXACTLY what Clinton and her staff did: mishandling of classified material.
It's 2016, so anything is possible: what if Obama orders Lynch to fire Comey (whose tenure is until 2023 unless he's relieved for loss of confidence) in order to save the Union?

"Director Comey understood our position. He heard it from Justice leadership," the official said. "It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert ... (Capitol) Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it."

Justice officials warned FBI about Comey's decision to update Congress

Edit: if he gets fired, guess who takes over the Bureau until a new Director is confirmed?
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