Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

What am I saying...the AG had a covert meeting with the spouse of the subject...fuck it. Law and order my ass.

Private...but not covert. If it was covert we wouldn't have been told about it...but I like how it basically showed his wife was untouchable and there are people cool with that.
I suppose it would have been proper for him to recuse himself, but that's on him. Clearly, the scandal that Fox News is pushing is the McAuliffe-Clinton connection, not "FBI did a bad thing."

There is a very strong connection between them: he personally loaned them money for their NY mansion.

I agree that Agent McCabe probably lost his objectivity when investigating a close ally of the person who donated money to his wife's campaign BUT then again, these rockstars never read Mrs Clinton her Miranda rights so they clearly were going through the motions of a criminal investigation.
You don't think it was proper for him to recuse himself to ensure the Integrity of the FBI? That is the scandal: the eyebrow raise of it all. Apparently even within the FBI, it smelled (my understanding is that is the origin of the story).

The SAIC's wife received money from a close Clinton friend. He had no business leading anything connected to a criminal investigation of that family.

What am I saying...the AG had a covert meeting with the spouse of the subject...fuck it. Law and order my ass.

What Integrity.....?:-"

Private...but not covert. If it was covert we wouldn't have been told about it...but I like how it basically showed his wife was untouchable and there are people cool with that.

You're thinking clandestine, where the act is completely hidden or actors appearing they are someone else. Covert is acknowledging the act happened but not identifying the real reason for the action.
There is a very strong connection between them: he personally loaned them money for their NY mansion.
I should've made myself clearer - there is a definite connection between McAuliffe and Clinton. That much is not in dispute. But Fox News et. al. is trying to use this to throw mud on Clinton by some weird transitive property of guilt.
I should've made myself clearer - there is a definite connection between McAuliffe and Clinton. That much is not in dispute. But Fox News et. al. is trying to use this to throw mud on Clinton by some weird transitive property of guilt.
When you buy influence, you do indirectly and before you need it. McCabe shouldn't have recused himself as much as he should have refused the assignment.
Am I late to the party with this? This happened today.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. official says newly discovered emails that have prompted a fresh FBI review in the Hillary Clinton email case did not come from her private email server.

FBI Director James Comey told members of Congress on Friday that it is investigating whether there is classified information in new emails that have emerged in its probe of Clinton's server. Comey says the emails surfaced during an unrelated FBI case.

A U.S. official with knowledge of the case said the emails were uncovered very recently and did not arise during the federal investigation into Russian hacking of the presidential election. The official was not authorized to discuss details publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
"Clinton's presidency fucked by Weiner"

I'm calling it now: we're not going see an election season as strange as this for at least 50 years. It just absolutely cannot be topped.

Oh ye of little faith. I think you underestimate the creatures that inhabit the District of Columbia... :ROFLMAO:

50 years is a long time, and they're very creative (and very rarely creative in a good way).