Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

It looks damning, but an interesting detail just came out today courtesy of NYT. The FBI agent referenced in the email, Brian McCauley, has come out an acknowledged that was indeed a quid pro quo offer, but that it originated with him instead of DoS.


WASHINGTON — A former F.B.I. official at the center of the latest controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private emails acknowledged on Tuesday that an offer to swap favors with a State Department counterpart on an email classification issue had originated with him — until he realized the deal involved Mrs. Clinton and the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya.

“When I found that out, all bets were off; it wasn’t even negotiable,” the former F.B.I. official, Brian McCauley, said in a telephone interview.

Republicans have seized on the episode to accuse the State Department of trying to protect Mrs. Clinton, but Mr. McCauley’s account could undercut those attempts because he said he, not the State Department, had suggested the “quid pro quo.”

Mr. McCauley recounted in the interview that Patrick F. Kennedy, a senior State Department official, called him in spring 2015 looking for help in getting the F.B.I. to agree not to classify the disputed email. Mr. McCauley said he had agreed to try to help him if Mr. Kennedy would help him get the State Department to restore two spots that the F.B.I. had lost recently in the Baghdad embassy.

“I’m the one that threw that out there,” Mr. McCauley said of the offer. He said that he was concerned the two vacant posts posed a security risk at the embassy, and that the offer was typical of how federal agencies “help each other and work with each other.”

Read the whole article, it's pretty fascinating. On the surface it seems to undercut the claim that State was running interference on the Clinton scandal (at least in this narrow case). It should also be noted that the email in question was in fact undergoing a post facto classification review. When sent, it had not been marked as classified, though the FBI subsequently determined that it was S//NF.
It looks damning, but an interesting detail just came out today courtesy of NYT. The FBI agent referenced in the email, Brian McCauley, has come out an acknowledged that was indeed a quid pro quo offer, but that it originated with him instead of DoS.

Ex-F.B.I. Official Acknowledges Role in New Clinton Email Controversy

Read the whole article, it's pretty fascinating. On the surface it seems to undercut the claim that State was running interference on the Clinton scandal (at least in this narrow case). It should also be noted that the email in question was in fact undergoing a post facto classification review. When sent, it had not been marked as classified, though the FBI subsequently determined that it was S//NF.

Absolutely NOT the case at all. The email contained classified material as deemed by originating agency and was part of a criminal investigation. The FBI does not conduct neither security nor classification reviews.

Also, Kennedy tried to get the S//NF removed from other documents.

Classification is derived from the INFORMATION and not from the marking. Case in point: people are taught to draft emails and THEN go back and add header and portion marking as appropriate. There were many emails on her server that were apparently highly classified reports...REPORTS...not emails fromDick to Jane...with header, footer, and all portion markings removed.

How would that info get from the two secure networks onto an unclassified environment?

Who removed the markings?

Why was this not investigated and nobody prosecuted?

If someone is too stupid to know that defense information is sensitive and requires protection, they should not have the nuclear codes.
Absolutely NOT the case at all. The email contained classified material as deemed by originating agency and was part of a criminal investigation. The FBI does not conduct neither security nor classification reviews.
I know that you know a ton about the IC, but the page preceeding the page that @Rapid linked seems to disagree with you

Clinton server email at heart of 'quid pro quo' controversy contained Benghazi intel

"It demands deep investigation. It's going to take months to try to untangle this. But when you have the FBI themselves say that there was a quid pro quo negotiation that was going on to manipulate the classification of documents, that goes to the highest degree," House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said this week. "And that's why I feel so strongly that Patrick Kennedy should immediately be relieved of his position."


Clinton Server Email At Heart Of 'Quid Pro Quo' Controversy Contained Benghazi Intel
I know that you know a ton about the IC, but the page preceeding the page that @Rapid linked seems to disagree with you


Even that's been changed retroactively though. It was declassified based on the information taken out. That's not how it was originally sent.
Getting classified reports off the server would have been difficult to accomplish digitally. However, if someone printed them and walked out of a SAP and then scanned it into another, unsecured, network, there could still be proof of that on copier/scanner hard drives. Did the FBI seize those in the investigation I wonder?