Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

When the person of interest (And those around them complicit) is able to drag events out long enough, it gives knuckleheads individuals like this enough traction to even seem credible.

"I believe this committee is abusing taxpayer dollars and the authority of Congress in an astonishing onslaught of political attacks to damage Secretary Clinton's campaign for president," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the committee's top Democrat.

I'm waiting to see WHO in the DOJ, granted Combetta immunity and then, failed to inform Congress about it. :rolleyes:
And people wonder why the Clinton statements about her health are looked at as more of the same elite fabrications.
Comey's blind obedience to Obama has tarnished the FBI, which has sunk to a level of DHS.

Well, Comey's fall guy just got hammered and schooled both, by Rep Chaffetz. Honestly, no matter which side of the fence you sit on politically, you just might learn something by watching this.

You are hereby served.........
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The IRS knows that there's a nascent movement afoot to impeach their director; Chaffetz won't come up on the list just yet. Once that idea gets shot down, then they'll audit Chaffetz more thoroughly than Trump; which is to say, I could drive an 18-wheeler through the hole in his ass that they are going to tear into him.
The IRS knows that there's a nascent movement afoot to impeach their director; Chaffetz won't come up on the list just yet. Once that idea gets shot down, then they'll audit Chaffetz more thoroughly than Trump; which is to say, I could drive an 18-wheeler through the hole in his ass that they are going to tear into him.
They need to be certain of a Hillary win, or their agency gets an 18-wheeler through it's ass.
So now the IRS is actively helping Hillary?

Negative. When POTUS can crack jokes about auditing his enemies, and shortly thereafter every conservative organization gets denied tax exempt status and/or audited, one can't be blamed for being suspicious. Hence, the scandal that's gone on for nearly three years. As many times as this administration has made the tin foil hat popular, it wasn't a stretch at all.

Here's the link to that timeline according to that conservative fever swamp of the tropics, KITV 4 Hawaii.
There's been so much dishonest shit done over the last 7 years you can't blow off a potential angle or rumor. The odds on something may be low, but they aren't unthinkable.
Back in June, Pagliano's attorney, Mark MacDougall, indicated his client will invoke the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer any questions. This after a judge ruled the details of his immunity agreement could remain sealed. :rolleyes:

You could fill a truckload of 55 gal drums with the amount of sleazy tactics and corruption surrounding this mess.

Chaffetz and Gowdy. 2 of the smartest guys in the room.

ETA - Lynch is an idiot.
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