Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Did he get the passport though?

Don't know but easy enough to check.

I think the "damage" is done though. I heard a poll that had majority of respondents say Clinton set the server up to hide something. Regardless, both parties are targeting the independents, who, I would assume, can see through the multiple Clinton lies about the server, topics of deleted emails, and the ethics pledge. These are self inflicted wounds.

I can't wait for State to release the info regarding the "required" security Clinton and her staff certified they took.
I can. It's frustrating because as a society, we can and should be better than this. :wall:

Can yes, but should?

Incumbents are winning primaries all over the country, BLM has changed policing, candidates plan to spend one BILLION dollars to get into the White House...

We will get what we deserve: an idiot (or a liar) or a blowhard. Either way, it's going to be an insane next 60-days.

Please keep in mind that Clinton received a BA from Wellesley and THEN her JD from Yale, er go, definitely NOT an idiot.
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