Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

@Freefalling , our death benefits are (get this) SECRET. They exist but we can't print them out or talk specifics.
But I do know the folks who have died are memorialized with a scholarship for children of current employees. So that's nice.
Maybe I haven't followed this close enough.
How did she libel them?
The Guy with the cheesy video was clearly libeled, and should be the one filing a lawsuit.
Our guys were shipped back more or less as freight without any recognition of the loss, but bases shut down if some E-3 on his first deployment blows his brains out. His parents get a gold star, but what about the thousands of contractors who died? Quite a few of them went down fighting, but we'll name a street after a guy who was run over by a forklift.

I once asked the 455th at Bagram what they'd do if one of us died. They didn't have the slightest clue. "Your company will handle that." How will they know? What official entity would even tell them we died?

Crickets. Blank looks.

2016, 15 years of combat later, and this issue lingers? Fuck that. Contractors are the untermensch of the US military. I'm just glad I'm finally around a group that treats us like people...almost like we're their peers. "Almost" is the key word.

Eh, y'all can go back to the thread, but after a decade plus of doing this in the sandbox, it has made me very bitter.

Fuck contractors, right?

I don't have it in front of me, but there's a clause in contacts that require contractors in theater to arrange for their own transportation of deceased contractors working on a contract.
Two House committees have sent a letter to the DC district attorney laying out a perjury case against Hillary Clinton.

House Panels Lay Out Case That Clinton Perjured Herself

Two House committees sent a letter to the Department of Justice Monday laying out their case for why they believe Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton committed perjury during a hearing in Congress last year.

The letter to U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips from the Oversight and Government Reform and Judiciary committees provides four specific examples of times they believe Clinton lied under oath about her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of State. The letter said Clinton made several false statements during her testimony to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on October 22, 2015.

Democrats have been critical of the unwillingness of Republican to accept the FBI's decision not to prosecute Clinton.

Monday's letter follows one the committees sent to Phillips in July requesting the DOJ look into whether Clinton perjured herself. Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik responded in an August 2 letter saying that the department was reviewing the information and would "take appropriate action as necessary."
She broke the law and that's as clear as day. Her "intent" is irrelevant, but we're reduced to splitting hairs because the DOJ won't do its damn job. Sickening.
This thread will never really reach a measurable end point. It will go on for years, and will stand for the failure of all three branches of this nation's government.

This thread will also underscore the division between the nation's governmental leaders, and it's people. The laws do not apply across the board. That was a feature of the former USSR too.
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She broke the law and that's as clear as day. Her "intent" is irrelevant, but we're reduced to splitting hairs because the DOJ won't do its damn job. Sickening.

About DOJ | DOJ | Department of Justice

Clearly, Clinton's assumption to the throne IS in the interest of the United States.

Congress has the authority to pull the purse strings so I wonder what dirt the Clinton machine has on them?
I recently moved into a CSL/ IA position (those fools don't know what they have done!) and I can say this little story is hilariously sad.

"Hey, guys, I need your paperwork to be 8570 compliant."
(Insert "what difference does it make" quote or some email joke)

Everyone submits their forms, but her respect level is zero where I work. Sure, this is an exceptionally small segment of the DoD, but every pitch is a hit.
I recently moved into a CSL/ IA position (those fools don't know what they have done!) and I can say this little story is hilariously sad.

"Hey, guys, I need your paperwork to be 8570 compliant."
(Insert "what difference does it make" quote or some email joke)

Everyone submits their forms, but her respect level is zero where I work. Sure, this is an exceptionally small segment of the DoD, but every pitch is a hit.


Chinese as Second Language?
So Bissonette ordered to pay USG $6.8 mil because of violating his NDA with a pre-pub restriction.

Hillary had 100 classified emails (that are known) and many were SAP'd. I wonder how many NDAs she signed?

This is rich!

This enforcement action does not discredit Mr. Bissonnette's military service, but reinforces that it is important for our service members and individuals who have been assigned positions of trust and granted access to classified information to comply with the obligations set forth in their non-disclosure agreements to protect classified information after leaving the U.S. military and government in an effort to protect our nation's national security," Nicole Navas, a spokesperson at the U.S. Department of Justice, said in a statement to ABC News.

US Settles Case With Author of Controversial Bin Laden Book
I wonder how many NDAs she signed?

I think I posted this earlier:

HRC's SF312:


For the masses (because lindy knows this) "SF"... "Standard Form" for everyone including State and not a DoD thing.


Paragraph 4:
In addition, I have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of classified information by me may constitute a violation, or violations, of United States criminal laws, including the provisions of sections 641, 793, 794, 798, *952 and 1924, title 18, United States Code; *the provisions of section 783(b}, title 50, United States Code; and the provisions of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982. I recognize that nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to prosecute me for any statutory violation.