Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Rep. Chaffetz is asking the DC district attorney to investigate Clinton for perjury related to sworn testimony during hearing
Congressmen ask U.S. Attorney’s Office to investigate Clinton for perjury

Here's a copy of the letter

I don't think this has legs. It seems as though Republicans have run out of torpedos to try and sink the USS Clinton and have resorted to their 5-inch guns.

Yep, no sense is trying to ensure that our Nation is one of laws. Zimbabwe would be proud of our transparency.
I'm not saying that he shouldn't have done it. I said that it probably won't go anywhere.

I understand. I just think it's pretty shitty that Russian and Chinese intelligence probably know more about Hillary's emails (including the intent behind the purpose of the server), Bill and Loretta's meeting, and any/all discussions with Comey about this episode than the American people do.

It probably won't go anywhere because nobody gives a shit that our Constitution is now worthless and the Executive Branch is really just another special interest group that really has no interest in enforcing laws...unless you raise the BS flag and then you're a racist.
Didn't the FBI arrest a Chinese person that landed in the US and drove to meet the Clinton with a briefcase full of case?

The article is wrong about millionaire, he's actually a billionaire. So is hillary going to pardon him once she's president?

FBI Arrests Chinese Millionaire Once Tied to Clinton $$ Scandal
As we have seen repeatedly in Clinton’s explanations of the email controversy, she relies on excessively technical and legalistic answers to explain her actions. While Comey did say there was no evidence she lied to the FBI, that is not the same as saying she told the truth to the American public — which was the point of Wallace’s question. Comey has repeatedly not taken a stand on her public statements.

And although Comey did say many emails were retroactively classified, he also said that there were some emails that were already classified that should not have been sent on an unclassified, private server. That’s the uncomfortable truth that Clinton has trouble admitting.

Clinton’s claim that the FBI director said her email answers were ‘truthful’

Four pinocchios by the Washington Post against a liberal? This is a major slam...
Truths are scrambled in with what it takes to shape and spin an issue to get the response you are looking for. For the voter who cares, it's a question of picking the truth out of what is said, but; the spun story lingers so long while truth is swept aside. If you are running for office, and have not learned how to do this, you will fail, sink, and become an unknown.
This is just rich. She's Rick James in a Charlie Murphy sketch. "I would never do that to someone's couch.....yeah I did that to his couch."

Hillary Clinton admits she may have 'short circuited' answers on email controversy - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton attempted to clarify Friday recent misleading statements about her use of a private email server at the State Department, saying she "may have short-circuited" her answers about it.

At a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists in Washington, D.C., Clinton -- who has come under fire for not often taking media questions -- was asked about her recent assertion that FBI Director James Comey had said she was "truthful" to the public in discussing the issue, a claim that a number of media outlets, including CNN, have debunked.

Clinton went on to repeat that she "never sent or received" classified information on her private email server -- a statement that is inconsistent with Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill.
"And I would go back to where I started, I regret using one account, I have taken responsibility for that," Clinton said.
"And I would go back to where I started, I regret using one account, I have taken responsibility for that," Clinton said.

How, exactly, has she taken responsibility?
"And I would go back to where I started, I regret using one account, I have taken responsibility for that," Clinton said.

How, exactly, has she taken responsibility?

At one point she said (paraphrased) 'In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have had only one device'. That's her version of taking responsibility.
There is soooo much fail in this article:
Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email

The scientist shows up in Clinton's (ed: leaked) emails back in 2010, just nine days before he returned to Iran.

This is why we don't put highly sensitive info on personal servers... In my mind she is culpable for his eventual hanging. Whether her server was hacked at the time or not, once the emails were leaked there was no way Iran was going to let him live.

This person who had access to the country's secret and classified information had been linked to our hostile and No. 1 enemy, America, the Great Satan" a spokesman for the Iranian judiciary said.

Tell me again how Iran is going to love us if we give them their money back... (Nuclear Treaty)

It would appear possible that discussion on an unclassified — and quite possibly hacked — email system about a person who was hanged as a spy will have a chilling effect on others who might want to engage in espionage for the United States.
They should be used to it by now. I mean we've been hanging our interpreters, spies and everyone else that does business with us in hostile areas out to dry for how many years now?

And this is who half the country wants to give the key to the nukes to? She'll probably leave the codes laying around on her desk at home "so it's easier to get to them".
There is soooo much fail in this article:
Cotton: Clinton discussed executed Iranian scientist on email

This is why we don't put highly sensitive info on personal servers... In my mind she is culpable for his eventual hanging. Whether her server was hacked at the time or not, once the emails were leaked there was no way Iran was going to let him live.

Tell me again how Iran is going to love us if we give them their money back... (Nuclear Treaty)

They should be used to it by now. I mean we've been hanging our interpreters, spies and everyone else that does business with us in hostile areas out to dry for how many years now?

And this is who half the country wants to give the key to the nukes to? She'll probably leave the codes laying around on her desk at home "so it's easier to get to them".

just to be fare, if she is elected, her desk at home would be in the White House...