Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

...and here's your sign...

Given recent events, I'll bet Hillary Clinton is breathing a sigh of relief.

Sure that's cold, but take a moment to put this into perspective.

Blue Skies, Officers.

It's not cold, it's an objective evaluation given her thinly hidden disregard and contempt for the unwashed masses. I don't believe for one second that she gives the remotest of fucks about the officers killed, or their families and friends. FWIW, I don't believe Trump cares either, or really any politician. They're all concerned with nothing but polls, money, and how to get their name in the paper.
I wonder if this,^^^^^^^, will be a player at the DNC Convention?

I expect to see leftist , anti Trump rallies to be stepped up. The GOP Convention being a sure rally site, with nasty clashes aimed at Trump and LEOs.

Could the same be true at the DNC Convention? It would be interesting if Clinton ran into strong Sanders support inside the convention. To be real, the Clinton, obama hookup has plenty of power to quash anything inside the convention, and maybe outside as well.

What would be a shocker, is if the Sanders supporters hate Clinton enough to throw in with Trump. Chances of that happening; 0.000002%

My $0.000002.
What would be a shocker, is if the Sanders supporters hate Clinton enough to throw in with Trump. Chances of that happening; 0.000002%.

They wouldn't need to do that, they could vote for anyone but her and siphon votes away from Clinton. Will enough do that? Unlikely, but this is already a strange election.
They wouldn't need to do that, they could vote for anyone but her and siphon votes away from Clinton. Will enough do that? Unlikely, but this is already a strange election.

I'm confident her staff has already submitted ballot counts for various precincts.
The vote will be just close enough to make it appear legitimate. There is no way the election for President would be left to the American people: it never has.

Our system is rigged. We have to elect her to see how she will govern!
Leftists are way more apt to use violence to achieve their goals.
[citation needed]

FiveThirtyEight is projecting, based on current polling, that Gary Johnson's presence in the race will take more support away from Clinton than Trump. This is pretty surprising. Right now it seems as though he's only taking 1 or 2 points away (except in one poll where his presence ADDED a point to Clinton's lead), but it'll be interesting to see if this effect becomes more pronounced in the runup to the election.
Election Update: Is Gary Johnson Taking More Support From Clinton Or Trump?
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[citation needed]

FiveThirtyEight is projecting, based on current polling, that Gary Johnson's presence in the race will take more support away from Clinton than Trump. This is pretty surprising. Right now it seems as though he's only taking 1 or 2 points away (except in one poll where his presence ADDED a point to Clinton's lead), but it'll be interesting to see if this effect becomes more pronounced in the runup to the election.
Election Update: Is Gary Johnson Taking More Support From Clinton Or Trump?

The guy's mannerisms are kooky as hell. You see the video of him classifying his remark that Trump is a pussy?

We'll see if he gets to the debates
Google IMF protests, WTO Seattle protests, and Occupy movement. Not many right-wingers in those groups that were all less than peaceful.

Violence at Tea Party or Open Carry demonstrations/protests???

Anyway, Rubio's comments are fitting.

One thing to note is that the violent ones in those groups really are fringe. While working the last RNC I saw Black Blocs doing all the damage, not typical occupy guy. Of course there have been crazies in the tea party/open carry rallies, but I think we do a better job alienating those types. The occupy and other left leaning groups are too inclusive, maybe to effect numbers.
Meanwhile, the top legal representative of the US Department of Justice is refusing to confirm that lying under oath or sharing classified information with uncleared individuals is illegal.
