Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny


I have just seen here and other places where people are talking about how they would be in Leavenworth or whatever, the issue, in my experience is that isn't how it actually goes. We have had issues with security in group, and guys get in trouble, they sure as hell don't face criminal charges. They may lose a tab, get kicked from group etc, just not jail.

Negligent and accidental spillage is one thing. I've known people to accidentally push s//si stuff down to sipr thinking it was good with only a typical slap on the hand and the increase of checks and policies from then on out, but that was a controlled situation. Creating an atmosphere for complete disregard for the law to safe guard secrets is another. At least 52 email chains with various levels from TS to confidential with possibly anyone CC'd on them should be criminal. How is it that the intent wasn't there?
The fact that we can read emails from get server from her time as Secretary based on what Gucifer was able to hack tells you that anyone could have had free and open access to her.
Negligent and accidental spillage is one thing. I've known people to accidentally push s//si stuff down to sipr thinking it was good with only a typical slap on the hand and the increase of checks and policies from then on out, but that was a controlled situation. Creating an atmosphere for complete disregard for the law to safe guard secrets is another. At least 52 email chains with various levels from TS to confidential with possibly anyone CC'd on them should be criminal. How is it that the intent wasn't there?
The fact that we can read emails from get server from her time as Secretary based on what Gucifer was able to hack tells you that anyone could have had free and open access to her.

Apparently we are not the only ones who can read them.

Reports: State Department admits intrusion into unclassified email

Clearly the capability exists.

What was perhaps most striking about Comey’s testimony on Thursday is how he carefully narrowed his investigation in a way that conveniently helps Hillary Clinton.

Did Hillary Clinton lie to Congress about her email practices? Not part of the investigation. Did she conceal and illegally remove federal records? Not part of the investigation. And no word on the pay-for-play schemes with the Clinton Foundation and its donors. How did the classified material get on Clinton’s system? Comey confessed his FBI didn’t even investigate this basic question.

FBI chief’s testimony about Clinton emails torpedoes the bureau’s reputation | Fox News

I have just seen here and other places where people are talking about how they would be in Leavenworth or whatever, the issue, in my experience is that isn't how it actually goes. We have had issues with security in group, and guys get in trouble, they sure as hell don't face criminal charges. They may lose a tab, get kicked from group etc, just not jail.

I've had a clearance for 27 years with USMIL and USG and everytime I've been indoc'd into various programs, the SSOs indicate that mishandling classified material could result in jail time.

How many of those guys were actually promoted after the incident?

DoS IG said she violated State policies while telling others (and removing one Foreign Service Officer) to follow the same policy she was violating. FBI said she and her staff acted extremely carelessly with classified materials. POTUS said she's highly qualified to be President and he trusts her.

Normal people would lose their access and their jobs after doing what she did but Democrats are drooling at the chance to promote her to the highest position in the world.

We are now equal to Zimbabwe.
There's no such thing as an unbiased investigation of a political candidate in an election year when the candidate is from the same party as the POTUS...unless the candidate's transgressions threaten to embarrass the administration or the party...and clearly most democrats downplay the whole affair as no big deal. I'd hazard a guess that most of the sheeple feel pretty indifferent about it, a mood Cersei and her minions are exploiting.

Sometimes pressure can be exerted on the investigating agency tacitly, from on high, by the subtlest gesture or word, an unspoken almost imperceptible pressure that nonetheless carries influence down the chain. CYA is powerful incentive in any bureaucracy.
I'd hazard a guess that most of the sheeple feel pretty indifferent about it, a mood Cersei and her minions are exploiting.

I've had one die hard Democrat admit to me that she fully agrees with Republicans on this topic, but that she's still voting for Clinton.

Embarrassing J. Edgar in the building named after him.

He did a solid job of that by himself.
This isn't the first time Comey has cleared the Clintons, he was involved in the Whitewater Investigation (something I didn't know until yesterday).

I've had one die hard Democrat admit to me that she fully agrees with Republicans on this topic, but that she's still voting for Clinton.

Is the die-hard Democrat Military or Contractor ?
Given recent events, I'll bet Hillary Clinton is breathing a sigh of relief.

Sure that's cold, but take a moment to put this into perspective.

Blue Skies, Officers.
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