Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Hillary goes after the family of FBI director......how much more can she do to the Mod's and Admin's of ShadowSpear....

Just sayin, I'd delete thread before Next January....LOL!!!!!

You know the sad thing? I knew this was the outcome and I'm still angry and dismayed. They couldn't even say "nothing to see here." the Director went out and said "we found some stuff, but....nah."

They aren't even trying to hide. If nothing else, we should be mad they don't even care what we think.
You know the sad thing? I knew this was the outcome and I'm still angry and dismayed. They couldn't even say "nothing to see here." the Director went out and said "we found some stuff, but....nah."

They aren't even trying to hide. If nothing else, we should be mad they don't even care what we think.

Bingo, it's so bad that it is now just slung into our faces because we are too dumb to care. :mad:
You know the sad thing? I knew this was the outcome and I'm still angry and dismayed. They couldn't even say "nothing to see here." the Director went out and said "we found some stuff, but....nah."

They aren't even trying to hide. If nothing else, we should be mad they don't even care what we think.

"They" truly believe they did nothing wrong and the uproar confirms their initial idea that Clinton needed a private server to protect her activities from the conspiracy theorists.

POTUS said she is the most qualified person ever to run for that office. Who are You to question him?

I say Lynch will see a SCOTUS position and Comey to AG come Jan. The game is rigged...and they don't care what we think.
This shit show on TV right now...

Shut UP Rep. Elijah Cummings. You managed to make the Republicans look intelligent. Nicely done.
Dredging up some old quotes from last year to do a hindsight check.
Personally speaking, I know a lot of (former) Hillary supporters who do not plan on voting for her because of this scandal. Even if no charges are filed, this will give her future opponents tons of campaign ammunition. She's pretty much toast either way.
Nope! No charges filed and the boilers on the USS Clinton are all firing. The RCP average has her 5 points ahead of Trump, though I'm not sure if these most recent polls are reflecting the fallout from the FBI announcement. I figure that we'll see more accurate reflections in the next round of polling. But yeah, I got it wrong.

Good, she should get it out of the way now. By the time the next election rolls around, this will be a dead issue (HRC and the DNC will claim "we've already covered all of this") and won't effect her election. Anyone bringing it up will be castigated by the media for dredging up old news. In the eyes of her handlers, better to get all the dirty laundry out in the open now, so it has time to become old news before the election ramps up.
@0699 called it. Hell, Sanders was essentially using this point back in October when he famously said that "The American people are sick and tired of hearing about [Hillary's] damn emails." I'm sure that Trump is going to unload on this point after the RNC convention (which is less than two weeks from now!), but the FBI's non-decision, at the very least, gives Clinton a defensible point during the debates.

The lawsuit was dismissed in August. Still no confirmation one way or the other on the story that Valerie Jarrett was the source of the initial leak. Though as I've pointed out, Ed Klein is famous for being full of shit.
OK, so some food for thought. Maybe what Comey did is actually a good thing. If he recommends charges and the AG declines to prosecute, then the case is completely dead. By not recommending, it allows the AG to avoid going head to head with the FBI. It ALSO means that he is able to make a public announcement under pressure to wrap up the email controversy and remove the microscope on them. Further, it means that she can always be charged later. Now suppose, just suppose, that the FBI is actually onto something much much bigger as a result of their investigation (such as the info that the "FBI Agent" in that 4chan thread suggested). Do you charge Clinton now or do you wait long enough to be able to prove conspiracy, making it treason and espionage rather than just mishandling and nailing some of the other players like Soros? IF she's charged with mishandling, she cannot be charged for anything else in connection with that series of events. If they hold back and allow themselves to lose this battle, maybe they end up winning the war...

I'm not saying this is what happened, just that it could be a scenario where he says what he did.
Really, you should take that supposed FBI agent with an entire shaker of salt. There's no way of verifying that he (or she) is legit, and the fact that they hit every single hard-right talking point leads me to believe that this is just some /pol/ troll. I mean, the poster manages to tie in a CFR one-world conspiracy, George Soros (funding all levels of government, apparently), and some bizarre point about "Blacks are inherently violent and impulsive...and they can be, for lack of a better term, domesticated." It doesn't read like anything an actual FBI employee would write.

Edit: Turns out that there's a second, third, and fourth AMA
In the second one, the poster's mask slips just a little bit
The goal (of Soros, since I assume that is what you are asking) is to create a global government where all people intermingle and breed and become on people ruled by a racially pure Jewish race. They sincerely believe under their rule all human conflict will cease because there will be no more cause for division. This desire is born out of a fear of the horrors of WWII. The Holocaust is a lie, but the death toll was still massive nonetheless. And many people were brutalized by it.

There isn't a :rolleyes: big enough
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