Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Well....not really. FBI cannot rewrite any law. But, I get his point.

See...this is why I always like state/local enforcement of the law. Police make cases and arrest based on the elements of a crime in the penal code, then it goes to the prosecutors office. In the Federal world, you have to have the USAO agree to take the case when you open it.....I have heard their many excuses...but the best lately has been "the case isn't jury worthy" basically they don't want to risk prosecuting a case they can't slam dunk.
After reading Director Comey's remarks, I think that man is truly brilliant!

He directly contradicted EVERY Hillary talking point about her email.

He stated she and her staff were "extremely careless", thereby admitting gross negligence, in the handling of classified material, some of which was marked, others were clearly known to be classified by her and her staff.

Yet here clearly said no prosecutor would ever charge her (because they know they would be ruined and probably have the IRS deep in their ass). I think Congress will exercise their oversight responsibilities and this episode will be tried in the court of public opinion vice a Federal courtroom.

The system is rigged and the Director admitted as much.

You know what's really sad and pathetic regarding this situation and the entire administration?

A frickin Private in the Military is held to a higher standard for Christ sakes. :rolleyes:
You know what's really sad and pathetic regarding this situation and the entire administration?

A frickin Private in the Military is held to a higher standard for Christ sakes. :rolleyes:

I know if I commit a crime, and get caught, I'll be punished for it. I'd venture to say most Americans in general are held to a higher legal and moral standard than this.