Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

Not sure I understand the comment.
Japan waited until North Korea started launching missiles before they signed any mutual defense pacts with us.
We routinely "wargamed" a lack of access to Japan/Okie when CPX'ing Korean Scenarios (80-early 90's), so I wouldn't automatically call them an ally.
U.K. and a few others are the only ones I'd actually refer to as an ally.
Not sure I understand the comment.
Japan waited until North Korea started launching missiles before they signed any mutual defense pacts with us.
We routinely "wargamed" a lack of access to Japan/Okie when CPX'ing Korean Scenarios (80-early 90's), so I wouldn't automatically call them an ally.
U.K. and a few others are the only ones I'd actually refer to as an ally.

I seems like all of out enemies in WW II became allies, Japan included. We went into Japan to help rebuild their country. They were defenseless after we destroyed their military. After the defeat in WW II, Japan took the position of having a defensive military only. With Korea so close, and with its unstable head of state, the formal ally status seems a good idea. Japan's neutral posture has made treaties unneeded.

I agree with your observation regarding who our real allied nations are.

My "Guilt" was meant as tic.
Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation | Fox News

Remember, in civil cases the burden of proof shifts to the DEFENDENT. Clinton will have to show reasonable suspicion that the allegations are NOT true.

The suit alleges that server was hacked so she (hopefully Pagiano) will have to demonstrate why that was not the case.

She's in a tight spot so I wonder how the machine will defame theses gold star families or how they will ruin them like Bill's former girlfriends?
Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation | Fox News

Remember, in civil cases the burden of proof shifts to the DEFENDENT. Clinton will have to show reasonable suspicion that the allegations are NOT true.

The suit alleges that server was hacked so she (hopefully Pagiano) will have to demonstrate why that was not the case.

She's in a tight spot so I wonder how the machine will defame theses gold star families or how they will ruin them like Bill's former girlfriends?

Gold Star families? Not to be a dick. But were any of those killed in Benghazi actively serving members of our military? These guys were contractors. I think this distinction is important.
Gold Star families? Not to be a dick. But were any of those killed in Benghazi actively serving members of our military? These guys were contractors. I think this distinction is important.

I don't believe so.
Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation | Fox News

Remember, in civil cases the burden of proof shifts to the DEFENDENT. Clinton will have to show reasonable suspicion that the allegations are NOT true.

The suit alleges that server was hacked so she (hopefully Pagiano) will have to demonstrate why that was not the case.

She's in a tight spot so I wonder how the machine will defame theses gold star families or how they will ruin them like Bill's former girlfriends?
Parents die unexpectedly.
The person who needs to sue is the rube she blamed for the attack (the guy who made the video).
Gold Star families? Not to be a dick. But were any of those killed in Benghazi actively serving members of our military? These guys were contractors. I think this distinction is important.

I see your point but only Woods was a contractor. Smith was a State employee.

Regardless of Benghazi opinions and fault, this lawsuit is huge and I seriously doubt it will be dismissed.
Contractor or not, they sacrificed themselves for the cause.

Our guys were shipped back more or less as freight without any recognition of the loss, but bases shut down if some E-3 on his first deployment blows his brains out. His parents get a gold star, but what about the thousands of contractors who died? Quite a few of them went down fighting, but we'll name a street after a guy who was run over by a forklift.

I once asked the 455th at Bagram what they'd do if one of us died. They didn't have the slightest clue. "Your company will handle that." How will they know? What official entity would even tell them we died?

Crickets. Blank looks.

2016, 15 years of combat later, and this issue lingers? Fuck that. Contractors are the untermensch of the US military. I'm just glad I'm finally around a group that treats us like people...almost like we're their peers. "Almost" is the key word.

Eh, y'all can go back to the thread, but after a decade plus of doing this in the sandbox, it has made me very bitter.

Fuck contractors, right?
Somehow the Ambassador's death has been left out of the discussion. That seems to be a big deal, but that's just me I guess. How is it that the Ambassador is never mentioned?
Somehow the Ambassador's death has been left out of the discussion. That seems to be a big deal, but that's just me I guess. How is it that the Ambassador is never mentioned?

I think he is always mentioned. He is one of the four who were murdered.
Plus weren't the guys in Libya GRS?

Too much ignorance in the way of contractors out there. Not like we are 1099 independent contractors. We get a w2.

@Freefalling in regards to what you said about them not knowing what to do for contractors, likely more in the lane for a COR. they are responsible more often than not.
Our guys were shipped back more or less as freight without any recognition of the loss, but bases shut down if some E-3 on his first deployment blows his brains out. His parents get a gold star, but what about the thousands of contractors who died? Quite a few of them went down fighting, but we'll name a street after a guy who was run over by a forklift.

I once asked the 455th at Bagram what they'd do if one of us died. They didn't have the slightest clue. "Your company will handle that." How will they know? What official entity would even tell them we died?

Crickets. Blank looks.

2016, 15 years of combat later, and this issue lingers? Fuck that. Contractors are the untermensch of the US military. I'm just glad I'm finally around a group that treats us like people...almost like we're their peers. "Almost" is the key word.

Eh, y'all can go back to the thread, but after a decade plus of doing this in the sandbox, it has made me very bitter.

Fuck contractors, right?
We use to say that KBR meant kill 'em, bury 'em, replace em.
Lots o truth in that.
Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation | Fox News

Remember, in civil cases the burden of proof shifts to the DEFENDENT. Clinton will have to show reasonable suspicion that the allegations are NOT true.

The suit alleges that server was hacked so she (hopefully Pagiano) will have to demonstrate why that was not the case.

She's in a tight spot so I wonder how the machine will defame theses gold star families or how they will ruin them like Bill's former girlfriends?
Oh boy. More fun from Larry Klayman, a guy who literally built his career on suing the Clintons. As always, it's necessary to preface this with I AM NOT A LAWYER:
You're right that civil suits that the bar for winning a civil suit is much lower than in a criminal case, but I would argue that Clinton's case is bolstered by the sheer volume of investigation that has already been undertaken on this issue. Is a court more likely to find evidence of guilt when even adversarial government investigations couldn't find any? From my layman's vantage point, it seems unlikely.
I think he is always mentioned. He is one of the four who were murdered.

You are right, his murder has not gone unnoticed. It just seem that the people who are mentioned the most, this law suit for example, are the combatants who died defending the Embassy.
Oh boy. More fun from Larry Klayman, a guy who literally built his career on suing the Clintons. As always, it's necessary to preface this with I AM NOT A LAWYER:
You're right that civil suits that the bar for winning a civil suit is much lower than in a criminal case, but I would argue that Clinton's case is bolstered by the sheer volume of investigation that has already been undertaken on this issue. Is a court more likely to find evidence of guilt when even adversarial government investigations couldn't find any? From my layman's vantage point, it seems unlikely.

There has yet to be an investigation where both sides depose witnesses under oath and present evidence to support their stance.

Both plaintiffs suffered libel and slander by Clinton. Now her attorneys will have to show preponderance of proof that her statements about the cause of the fighting at the State complex and the annex were true and the plaintiffs' memory is wrong.

Has there ever been anything documenting HOW the information from JWICS got onto her unsecure sever?
It's a step in the right direction...

"The family of Glen Doherty, a CIA contractor killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack, will receive nearly half a million dollars from the spy agency under a newly-revealed program to provide “enhanced death benefits” to those working with the Agency who were killed in the line of duty since the early 1980s, according to the Doherty family and U.S. officials."

CIA to Pay Benghazi Contractor’s Family $400K