Hillary Clinton's Private E-Mail Draws Scrutiny

This is a total head scratcher: Clinton didn't (doesn't) understand basic skill level one classification marking, handling, etc and basic computer security, yet her email server was wiped and formatted and her many of her multiple devices were destroyed or "lost".

Seems strange that a micromanager, who is short on trust, would allow aides to make critical decisions on her behalf.

Clinton told FBI she relied on others' judgment on classified material

Sounds like a great candidate to ultimately have ability to approve our nation's most sensitive operations that require utmost discretion.:rolleyes:
Please note that State requested Clinton emails (because of a FOIAlawsuit) Oct 2014, her 30k work related emails sent to State in Dec 2014, and archive PSTs deleted in March 2015.

Nixon would be pleased.
Her intention was hammer testing, where's the problem in that;-)?

Testing the DOD-procured hammers that cost $500 each. She was trying to determine if the expenses were really justified. Unlike Trump, who hates the series Justified, because he is a racist who hides behind his taxes.

They had to wipe the server to find out what was on it!
"Friendly reminder"

It was funny to hear her talk about how all classified documents have header markings.....guess she missed the training about the paragraphs having classified caveats.

Or the overall responsibility of the individual who possess a clearance to report anything she comes across that could be classified on a unclass system....
All of us Intel types are fucking idiots and don't understand security like the Democrat nominee.

It's the markings stupid!

Edit: DOS could not find neither a state.smil.mil nor a state.ic.gov email created for Hillary Clinton. She couldn't have communicated over secure email.

And yet, she's standing there talking, all the while, wearing an earpiece.........

Now I'm left wondering - Was it a "Private Ear Piece" or a "Gov. Ear Piece?"