Welcome old dog. Have fun here.
That's Former Action Guy! I'm also a devout Lesbian who likes short walks in the jungle and intense, close up, violent relationships.
Hello elle! It's nice to see a familiar......uh.......pair!
Wow!! Wolf in sheeps clothing??
Welcome to SS!!
RB... :doh:
No worries mate....er......donkey fluffer....:cool:...:bleh:....settled backside and thanks slowpoke!!
As mentioned to SP in PM, we have folks come hare all the time claiming wazoo hokey BS with all the 'special' people......usually settled within a few hours and a few PM's....:)
Welcome again LC/SP!!!!!!
Sub Marine, why you Be puttin' Marines down? Mac V(must be some Irish dude) should have been real happy havin' a Marine in his school.
Chao Ong
Class of '69 USMC.