10 days...They told me no ice
I'd advise you to start taking a probiotic as the anti-biotic dose you are on is (IIRC) twice the normal adult dose and can screw up your GI tract pretty good.
Don't discount beer therapy so quickly :)
You missed your calling as a hand model
You missed your calling as a hand model
Do you mean Yeast Infections?:uhh:From personal experience, sometimes when women are on an antibiotic it can...do weird things, yogurt is a great counter to the effects of an antibiotic.
Yessssssss, just trying not to gross out the masses. :eek:
LMFAO..Boon you are just not right!! You need to send me a new keyboard again!! Or I need to stop drinking when I read the boards.:doh:you look like you have hobbit hands. How's life treating you in the Shire, Frodo?