
10 days is a long time, see how it is after 5. :2c:

Ive been on both been told both are fine by different dr's, I'd advise you to start taking a probiotic as the anti-biotic dose you are on is (IIRC) twice the normal adult dose and can screw up your GI tract pretty good.

Just keep it elevated if it throbs etc...
Yes yes wanker lol

That is the standard dose for an amimal bite, I don't take that dose for more than 5 days.
I'd advise you to start taking a probiotic as the anti-biotic dose you are on is (IIRC) twice the normal adult dose and can screw up your GI tract pretty good.

Second fishsmom on the yogurt. From personal experience, sometimes when women are on an antibiotic it weird things, yogurt is a great counter to the effects of an antibiotic.


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you look like you have hobbit hands. How's life treating you in the Shire, Frodo?
you look like you have hobbit hands. How's life treating you in the Shire, Frodo?
LMFAO..Boon you are just not right!! You need to send me a new keyboard again!! Or I need to stop drinking when I read the boards.:doh::D

PS..I dunno looks worse today. :(