
Baytril (enrofloxacin) is one of many anti-biotics in the Fluoroquinolone 'family'.

It is not the anti-biotic of choice for a dog/cat bite, if a Dr prescribes that off the bat, get another Dr.

Augmentin IS the anti-biotic of choice for dog/cat bites, that should be made very clear to ALL reading this.

All prescription drugs should be prescribed by a Dr anyway.
PB- just from looking at the pictures, it should have been lanced and a drain inserted on first visit - possible topical ABX Tx along with the oral ABX Tx - and/or a warm soak regimen - doctors forget that there is a reason a lot of the 'folk remedies' are coming back in vogue... It was taught to me as 'jungle medicine' at the SF Medical Course...

Wish I had been around to insist that you soak that monster paw right away.

all the doctors can say anymore is: take your pills, you need a pill...

Oh, yeah - take the entire fucking regimen as prescribed, or you are a huger dumbass than you make people think. always take the entire regimen, always take the entire regimen, always take the entire regimen.

always take the entire regimen - or you will end up looking like Pardus, and falling in love with sheep and making the germs even stronger - I think the Pardus argument is better though.
fishsmom said:
In some cases it's a very very short drive, in others one does not even have to get in the car


Ok that is the funniest thing I've read today, and I shall be liberating that for use in the future. Well done. :D
PB- just from looking at the pictures, it should have been lanced and a drain inserted on first visit - possible topical ABX Tx along with the oral ABX Tx - and/or a warm soak regimen - doctors forget that there is a reason a lot of the 'folk remedies' are coming back in vogue... It was taught to me as 'jungle medicine' at the SF Medical Course...

Wish I had been around to insist that you soak that monster paw right away.

all the doctors can say anymore is: take your pills, you need a pill...

Oh, yeah - take the entire fucking regimen as prescribed, or you are a huger dumbass than you make people think. always take the entire regimen, always take the entire regimen, always take the entire regimen.

always take the entire regimen - or you will end up looking like Pardus, and falling in love with sheep and making the germs even stronger - I think the Pardus argument is better though.

I always take the entire dose...and don't tell anyone but I have been soaking it...The Dr. did not even tell me to do it. Just something I learned through years of stupidity.

I tried to get them to lance it the first visit and had to shame the Dr. in the second visit to cut it.
Well providing you don't a urinary tract/bladder infection it is sterile but no cleaning properties that I know of.

Just stick with the betadine, piss boy
... It was taught to me as 'jungle medicine' at the SF Medical Course...

always take the entire regimen...

Concur with my much older, fatter, uglier friend.

As a side note, Jungle Med is still being taught in the 18D course. It still works, at least down here it does.

Concur with my much older, fatter, uglier friend.

As a side note, Jungle Med is still being taught in the 18D course. It still works, at least down here it does.


Thank you, but I must request that you also BITE ME, as you are also old, fat and ugly - it makes no sense to argue degrees of these obstacles, just accept them and move on. We are SF Medics, we know things that these mere Rangers and civilians will never grasp, just ask my Q Course compadre with whom I am sure you have imbibed a brew or two in you your currnt AO. N'est pas, mon frere? See if I travel to Bragg for any more of your graduations, buy you beer and large chunks of animal flesh as congratulations, after that snippy little jibe.

Oh, btw, HH6 borrowed the 'shape' comment as a joke.
Thank you, but I must request that you also BITE ME, as you are also old, fat and ugly - it makes no sense to argue degrees of these obstacles, just accept them and move on.

I dunno, I thought you were quite dashing last time I saw you.

Of course I was on some serious painkillers at the time! ;)